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水電工程圍堰設(shè)計 共有 28 個詞條內(nèi)容

6.7 Materials of cofferdam body

    6.7.1 The filling materials for earth-rockfill cofferdam shallconform to the following provisions.(1) The permeability coefficient of impervious earth material shouldnot be larger than 1×10-4 cm/s. The local weathered material orgravel soil utilized in co...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


7.1 General requirements

    7.1.1 The treatment of cofferdam foundation shall meet thefollowing requirements.(1) Seepage stability and quantity control for foundation.(2) Cofferdam deformation and uneven settlement.(3) Stability of cofferdam body.7.1.2 The treatment scheme of coffer...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


7.2 Treatment of seepage control

    7.2.1 The measures of seepage control for cofferdam foundationoverburden shall be reliable in seepage control and convenient inconstruction.7.2.2 The blanket seepage control should be utilized when thefollowing factors are all possessed.(1) The retaining ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


7.3 Protective treatment of cofferdam foot

    7.3.1 The protective measures for cofferdam foot of water-side facein overburden of earth-rockfill cofferdam foundation shall bedetermined based on the hydraulics conditions of foot area anderosion resistance of overburden. The protective materials, which...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


7.4 Other treatments

    7.4.1 For the earth-rockfill cofferdam built in valley region, thebank slope connected with soil impervious body shall be excavatedsmoothly, and the bank slope shall not be provided with vertical step,adverse slope or abrupt variable slope. The gradient o...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


8.1 Construction of cofferdam

    8.1.1 The cofferdam construction shall meet the requirements ofconstruction progress and flood protection during flood season. Forthe construction design of cofferdam, the construction progress,technique, sequence, method, the allocation of constructionma...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


8.2 Dismantling of cofferdam

    8.2.1 The dismantling design of cofferdam shall conform to thefollowing requirements, upon which the dismantling scope andtiming shall be determined.(1) It shall not affect the normal operation of permanent buildings.(2) It shall meet the requirements of ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


9 Monitoring

    9.0.1 Necessary monitoring items shall be provided to ensure thesafety operation of cofferdam. The monitoring methods includepatrolling and instrumentation.9.0.2 For the safety design of cofferdam, the monitoring items shallbe proposed based on the projec...[繼續(xù)閱讀]

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