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控制與決策 頁數(shù): 10 2018-06-26 16:31
摘要: 基于猶豫模糊語言集理論,提出一種猶豫模糊語言信息環(huán)境下的PROMETHEE多屬性決策方法,并應用于川酒品牌評價決策問題中.研究表明,猶豫模糊語言集能夠很好地描述和處理復雜定性信息環(huán)境下的川酒品牌評價與決策問題;所提出的猶豫模糊語言PROMETHEE算法簡便,且改進的偏好函數(shù)允許決策者根據(jù)其對方案的嚴格優(yōu)于偏好對參數(shù)進行選擇,可保證決策過程的科學性和決策結果的準確性.
Based on the hesitant fuzzy linguistic theory, this paper proposes a hesitant fuzzy linguistic PROMETHEE method for multiple criteria decision making, in which all the judgments of alternatives over the criteria are represented by the hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set. An example concerning the Sichuan liquor brand evaluation is provided to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method. The results of the numerical example show that the hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set has many advantages in describing and tackling the complex Sichuan liquor brand evaluation and decision-making problem with qualitative information. It also demonstrates that the introduced algorithm is easy to use,and the improved prepference functions ensure the scientific nature of the decision-making process and the accuracy of the decision results, as they allow decision-makers to select parameters according to their needs for representing strict preferences.

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