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科技管理研究 頁數(shù): 9 2019-07-10
摘要: 借助利益相關(guān)者理論,對中國情境下制造型企業(yè)員工開展問卷調(diào)查,引入多元包容和變革型領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力視角,運(yùn)用結(jié)構(gòu)方程模型探討組織價(jià)值驅(qū)動(dòng)對企業(yè)創(chuàng)新績效的作用機(jī)理。研究發(fā)現(xiàn):組織價(jià)值驅(qū)動(dòng)對多元包容、企業(yè)創(chuàng)新績效分別呈正向影響;多元包容直接作用于企業(yè)創(chuàng)新績效,在組織價(jià)值驅(qū)動(dòng)與創(chuàng)新績效的關(guān)系中起部分中介作用;變革型領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力分別對多元包容和企業(yè)創(chuàng)新績效產(chǎn)生積極影響,且在組織價(jià)值驅(qū)動(dòng)、多元包容與創(chuàng)新績效之間起一定調(diào)節(jié)作用。研究結(jié)論以期為推動(dòng)制造型企業(yè)的組織價(jià)值驅(qū)動(dòng)理念轉(zhuǎn)換和變革型領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力提升、多元包容體系建設(shè)及創(chuàng)新績效改善提供一定的理論和實(shí)踐參考。
With the help of stakeholder theory, this paper carries out a questionnaire survey on the employees of manufacturing enterprises in the context of China, introduces the perspective of pluralistic inclusion and transformational leadership, and uses the structural equation model to explore the mechanism of organizational value driving on the innovation performance of enterprises. It is found that organizational value drive has a positive impact on pluralistic inclusion and enterprise innovation performance respectively; pluralistic inclusion has a direct effect on enterprise innovation performance and plays a part of intermediary role in the relationship between organizational value drive and innovation performance; transformational leadership has a positive impact on pluralistic inclusion and enterprise innovation performance respectively, and plays a certain role in regulating organizational value driven,pluralistic inclusion and innovation performance. The conclusion of the study is to provide some theoretical and practical reference for promoting the transformation of organizational value-driven concept and transformational leadership of manufacturing enterprises, the construction of pluralistic inclusion system and the improvement of innovation performance.

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