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管理學報 頁數(shù): 6 2019-11-01
摘要: 圍繞"大變局中的中國管理",從大變局中的中國管理研究的前沿主題、重大科學問題、具體研究領域前沿動態(tài)、中國管理實踐以及商學院改革等方面,對中國管理50人論壇(2019年秋季)的會議觀點進行梳理和綜述,以期深入探討"百年未有之大變局"帶給中國管理實踐與管理研究的機遇與挑戰(zhàn),進而啟發(fā)研究者的思考,更好推動中國管理實踐與研究能在大變局中貢獻中國智慧與中國方案。
This article reviews the forefront topics and important scientific problems of China management research and practice in the drastic change, based on the summary of the 26 speeches in the "Chinese Management 50 Forum" which concentrated on the theme "China Management in the Drastic Change". The opportunities and challenges of China management practice and research are explored, in order to make researchers think how to put forward China's plans and offer Chinese wisdom for global management research and practice.

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