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學術月刊 頁數(shù): 10 2020-01-20
摘要: 經(jīng)濟危機根源于大量財富被消耗掉而致使儲蓄和投資不足,經(jīng)濟危機的提防和善后之策也應由此展開。(1)為提防資源耗竭和儲蓄不足引發(fā)的經(jīng)濟危機,一國需要根據(jù)其產(chǎn)品的需求市場審慎地引導產(chǎn)品和產(chǎn)業(yè)結構,尤其需要有意識地限制那些以國內市場為主的高級品之生產(chǎn)和投資,而征收奢侈稅則是一個重要手段。(2)為擺脫經(jīng)濟危機爆發(fā)后因過度調整而陷入長期的經(jīng)濟蕭條,一國就不能簡單地訴諸純粹市場機制而應采取積極的逆向政策,尤其需要利用凱恩斯主義政策以擴大消費而不是聽從奧地利學派主張以增加儲蓄,而信用體系和信貸制度則是一個重要工具。顯然,錦標賽制定價體系的經(jīng)濟周期理論有助于我們更清晰地洞悉經(jīng)濟變動趨勢,尤其是,它充分辨識和契合了凱恩斯主義和奧地利學派的合理成分而提出了提防和應對經(jīng)濟危機的更全面方略。
The economic crisis is rooted in the fact that a lot of wealth is consumed which results in insufficient savings and investment. Therefore, the policy to prevent and deal with the economic crisis should also be around it.(1) In order to beware of the economic crisis caused by the depletion of resources and the shortage of savings, a country needs to guide its products and industrial structure carefully according to the demand market of its products, especially needs to consciously restrict the production and investment of high-ranking products oriented on the domestic market, and the expropriation of luxury tax is an important means.(2) In order to get rid of the long-term economic depression because of the overadjustment of the economic crisis, a country needs to adopt positive reverse policies but not simply resort to pure market mechanism, especially needs to expand consumption by Keynesian policies rather than increase savings according to Austrian School, and credit system and credit system are the important tools.Obviously, the economic cycle theory of tournament pricing system will help us to understand the trend of economic change more clearly; especially, it fully identifies and assimilates the reasonable elements of Keynesianism and Austrian School so as to put forward a more comprehensive strategy to guard against and deal with economic crisis.

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