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上海大學學報(社會科學版) 頁數(shù): 13 2020-01-15
摘要: 當今,在中國經(jīng)濟取得了較大成就的同時,中國特色社會主義的發(fā)展也已經(jīng)步入了新的時代,堅持和發(fā)展中國特色社會主義道路顯得尤為重要?;诖?參與復旦大學經(jīng)濟學院馬濤教授主持的國家社科基金重大項目"中西傳統(tǒng)經(jīng)濟思想的比較與中國發(fā)展道路的歷史關(guān)聯(lián)"的有關(guān)專家,對中西傳統(tǒng)經(jīng)濟思想方法論上的集體主義和個人主義、綜合性辯證思維和分析性形式邏輯,發(fā)展分流上的公共經(jīng)濟體制構(gòu)建過程,秦漢時期在價值取向、思維方式和研究視野方面的差異,以及分岔的歷史文化根基源頭等問題展開了充分討論,以期引起學術(shù)界對中西經(jīng)濟思想比較研究的關(guān)注。
With China's great economic achievements, the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics has ushered in a new era. It is particularly important to adhere to and develop the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In view of this, the experts participating in the major project of the National Social Science Fund of China(NSSFC)—"Historical Correlation between the Comparison of Chinese and Western Traditional Economic Thoughts and China's Road to Development" chaired by Professor Ma Tao from the School of Economics in Fudan University, fully discussed several important issues such as the collectivism versus individualism, comprehensive dialectical thinking versus analytical formal logic concerning the methodology of Chinese and Western traditional economic thoughts, the process of establishing public economic system facing development divergence, the differences in value orientation, mode of thinking, research perspectives between Qin and Han Dynasties as well as the source of historical genes of divergence, in the hope of drawing academic attention to the comparative study between Chinese and Western economic thoughts.

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