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經(jīng)濟學動態(tài) 頁數(shù): 14 2019-12-18
摘要: 阿比吉特·班納吉和埃絲特·迪弗洛是最早將隨機實驗方法引入到全球減貧問題研究的學者,也是對發(fā)展經(jīng)濟學形成了重要影響的經(jīng)濟學家。班納吉和迪弗洛對發(fā)展經(jīng)濟學做出的貢獻主要包含三個方面:揭示貧困者的行為機制;厘清隨機對照實驗中的因果關系;引入隨機對照實驗研究貧困問題。兩位學者在對貧困作用機制的揭示和關于減貧具體干預措施等方面取得了豐碩的理論和實踐成果。他們通過長期的實地實驗研究認為,造成貧困的原因主要包括以下五個維度:信用貸款、性別與政治、行為偏見、健康以及教育。對班納吉和迪弗洛的學術(shù)成就進行梳理和總結(jié),有助于更清晰地認識其貢獻并為我國的扶貧工作提供新的研究方法和視角。
Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo are the first scholars to introduce random-assignment experiments to the field of global poverty reduction, and they are also the economists who have an important impact on development economics. Banerjee and Duflo's contributions to development economics are mainly reflected in three aspects: revealing the behavioral mechanism of the poor, clarifying the causal relationship in the randomized controlled trial and applying the randomized controlled trial to studying poverty. The two scholars have made fruitfully theoretical and practical achievements in revealing the mechanism of poverty and in specific policy interventions for poverty reduction. Through long-term field experiments, they believe that the causes of poverty mainly include the following five dimensions: credit, gender and politics, behavioral prejudice, health and education. Summarizing the academic achievements of Banerjee and Duflo will help us to have a clearer understanding of their contributions and provide new research methods and perspectives for poverty alleviation in China.

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