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教育學(xué)報(bào) 頁數(shù): 10 2020-02-25
摘要: 基于中國人民大學(xué)提供的中國教育追蹤調(diào)查數(shù)據(jù),采用傾向得分匹配法,實(shí)證檢驗(yàn)學(xué)前教育經(jīng)歷對(duì)青少年成就發(fā)展的現(xiàn)實(shí)影響,討論"去小學(xué)"化的現(xiàn)實(shí)必要性。結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn):接受學(xué)前教育和未接受學(xué)前教育的青少年在學(xué)業(yè)表現(xiàn)、家庭特征與個(gè)體特征等方面存在著一定的差異;Logit模型發(fā)現(xiàn)了家庭人力資本存量、經(jīng)濟(jì)資本以及家庭規(guī)模均對(duì)學(xué)前教育參與率的提升起到積極影響,但農(nóng)村青少年的學(xué)前教育參與率相對(duì)于城鎮(zhèn)要低2.3個(gè)百分點(diǎn),顯示出學(xué)前教育資源在城鄉(xiāng)間的非均衡分布;傾向得分匹配法揭示了學(xué)前教育經(jīng)歷對(duì)青少年的學(xué)業(yè)表現(xiàn)具有正向影響,尤其是對(duì)語文和數(shù)學(xué)成績的促進(jìn)作用最為明顯,但提前接觸小學(xué)教育內(nèi)容并不能幫助青少年贏在起跑線上。
Based on the China Education Panel Survey data provided by the NSRC, This paper employs the method of quasi-experimental of propensity score matching to discuss the impact of preschool experience on teenagers' achievement development, and to discuss the practical necessity of de-schooling in primary education. It indicates differences in academic performance, family and individual characteristics between the teenagers who received pre-school education and those who did not. The Logit model has indicates that both the stock of family human capital, economic capital and family size have a positive impact on the increasing rate of pre-school education participation. The rate of participation of rural children in preschool education is 2.3% that is lower than that of urban children, which also indicates the unbalanced distribution of preschool education resources between urban and rural areas. The method of PSM reveals the positive impact of preschool education experience on student development, especially on the promotion of achievements in subjects of Chinese and Mathematics. However, early contact with primary education would not necessarily help the school-age children to "win at the starting line", which implies that the influence of preschool might be overestimated.

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