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教育學(xué)報(bào) 頁(yè)數(shù): 8 2020-02-25
摘要: 農(nóng)村學(xué)前教育的公共服務(wù)體系建設(shè)是社會(huì)保障在教育領(lǐng)域的重要實(shí)踐,具有明顯的公共服務(wù)特征,其中涉及許多倫理問(wèn)題。因此,從社會(huì)保障倫理的視角來(lái)探索這個(gè)實(shí)踐問(wèn)題,有益于我國(guó)農(nóng)村學(xué)前教育公共服務(wù)體系的制度安排與設(shè)計(jì)更加平等、公平,并充滿德性。這也是對(duì)制度本身內(nèi)涵的倫理追求、道德原則和價(jià)值判斷。以浙江省16縣市區(qū)的調(diào)查為基礎(chǔ),明確了農(nóng)村學(xué)前教育服務(wù)體系的邏輯起點(diǎn)是"兒童幸福和發(fā)展",在兼顧公平和效率的基礎(chǔ)上,側(cè)重公平;在兼顧均衡與優(yōu)質(zhì)的基礎(chǔ)上,側(cè)重均衡;堅(jiān)持公益性和普惠性相結(jié)合,并落實(shí)補(bǔ)償性原則。
The construction of public service system in rural preschool education is an important practice of social security in the field of education, with obvious public service characteristics, which involves many ethical issues. Therefore, this paper argues that to explore the practical problem from the perspective of social security ethics can benefit the institutional arrangement and the design of rural preschool education public service system in China which is expected to be more equal, fair and full of virtue. This should also be the ethical pursuit, moral principle and value judgment of the connotation of the system itself. Meanwhile, based on the investigation of 16 cities, countries and districts in Zhejiang province, this study clarifies that the logical start of the rural preschool education service system is "children's happiness and development", which emphasizes more on fairness than efficiency, and focuses more on balance than quality. It should adhere to the principle of combining public welfare with general benefits and the principle of compensation.

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