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教育研究 頁數(shù): 12 2020-01-15
摘要: 普惠性學(xué)前教育公共服務(wù)的屬性定位事關(guān)普惠性學(xué)前教育公共服務(wù)體系的建設(shè)和"幼有所育"目標(biāo)的實現(xiàn)。當(dāng)前,我國學(xué)前教育由"基本公共服務(wù)"的普惠性學(xué)前教育資助、"準(zhǔn)基本公共服務(wù)"的非營利的普惠性學(xué)前教育以及"經(jīng)營性公共服務(wù)"的營利性的選擇性學(xué)前教育等三種類型構(gòu)成。普惠性學(xué)前教育的非基本公共服務(wù)屬性定位,導(dǎo)致政府責(zé)任缺乏剛性約束機制,學(xué)前教育成本家庭分擔(dān)比例過高,公辦幼兒園財政撥款制度不合理,普惠性民辦幼兒園的激勵機制難以形成等困境。加快推進普惠性學(xué)前教育的發(fā)展,讓更多的幼兒與家庭享受公平而有質(zhì)量的學(xué)前教育,應(yīng)把普惠性學(xué)前教育納入基本公共服務(wù)范疇,加快立法明確普惠性學(xué)前教育的基本公共服務(wù)屬性,健全事權(quán)和財權(quán)統(tǒng)一的公共財政制度,統(tǒng)籌協(xié)調(diào)公辦幼兒園和普惠性民辦幼兒園一體化發(fā)展。
Whether the public service for public-interest preschool education is oriented to basic public service or non-basic public service is closely related to the systematic construction of the public service for public-interest preschool education,as well as the achievement of the goal of all children's access to preschool education. At present,China's preschool education falls into three types:public-interest preschool education aid,which belongs to "basic public service";the non-profit public-interest preschool education,which belongs to "quasi-basic public service";and the profit-seeking and selective preschool education,which belongs to "profit-seeking public service." The orientation to non-basic public service leads public-interest preschool education to a dilemma:a lack of rigid constraint in the government's responsibility,a high cost of preschool education forming an excessively high proportion of the family expenditure,the unreasonable public funding system for public kindergartens,and the difficulty in developing an incentive mechanism for public-interest private kindergartens. To accelerate the development of public-interest preschool education to allow more children to enjoy fair and quality preschool education,we are supposed to speed up the enactment of relevant legislations to clarify the basic public service for public-interest preschool education,consummate the public financial system by unifying the power of public affairs and the financial power,and coordinate the integrated development of public kindergartens and public-interest private kindergartens.

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