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學(xué)前教育研究 頁(yè)數(shù): 10 2020-02-01
摘要: 幼兒園戶外環(huán)境景觀是影響兒童戶外游戲的重要因素,適宜兒童發(fā)展的戶外環(huán)境景觀應(yīng)將自然、游戲和兒童發(fā)展有效結(jié)合,以促進(jìn)兒童身心全面協(xié)調(diào)發(fā)展。本研究以某幼兒園18名5~6歲幼兒為研究對(duì)象,通過斯米蘭斯基量表和游戲檢核表,對(duì)幼兒在自然園林景觀游戲場(chǎng)地和人工游戲場(chǎng)地中發(fā)生的角色扮演游戲進(jìn)行觀察評(píng)價(jià),以此分析不同戶外環(huán)境景觀對(duì)幼兒角色扮演游戲的承載性,結(jié)果表明相比于人工游戲場(chǎng)地,自然園林景觀游戲場(chǎng)地更易誘發(fā)幼兒的角色扮演游戲;幼兒在自然園林景觀游戲場(chǎng)地中的角色扮演游戲類型更豐富,游戲水平也更高。幼兒園應(yīng)走出把角色扮演游戲定位為室內(nèi)游戲的局限,盡最大努力從空間布局、行為設(shè)施、游戲道具等方面設(shè)計(jì)和創(chuàng)建具有自然氣息的戶外環(huán)境,從而最大限度地支持兒童自發(fā)、自主的戶外角色扮演游戲,同時(shí)讓兒童在戶外自然園林景觀中得到類似大自然的熏陶。
Kindergarten outdoor environment landscape is an important factor in children's outdoor games,and has a close relationship with children's physical and mental health. Studies have shown that outdoor environment landscapes suitable for children can effectively combine nature, games and child development to promote the comprehensive and coordinated development of children 's body and mind. In outdoor games,Dramatic Play are one of the most important types of games in outdoor games. They have a clear theme, use illusion symbols, and play a role-playing game for children. The study used 18 preschool children aged 5 ~6 in a kindergarten as the research object to observe the game experience of the research subjects in the natural garden landscape game venue and artificial game venue. Through the Smilansky Scale for evaluation of dramatic and sociodramatic play and the Play Checklist. Evaluate the occurrence rate,game type and game level of the Dramatic Play that takes place in the venue,and analyze the load-bearing of the Dramatic Play. Studies have shown that game venues composed of natural elements that stimulate children's creativity can more effectively support the role-playing of compound game types,which can bring children a richer gaming experience. The research expects to provide new ideas for the planning and design of the outdoor environment of early childhood education institutions in China,so as to better promote the physical and mental health development of preschool children.

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