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學前教育研究 頁數: 11 2020-02-01
摘要: 本研究以254名3~7歲兒童為研究對象,考察家長的養(yǎng)育行為與兒童性別、氣質特點對兒童規(guī)則內化水平的作用,結果表明3~7歲兒童的規(guī)則內化水平隨年齡增加顯著提高,但在不同領域內快速提高的時間存在先后;女孩的整體規(guī)則內化水平高于男孩,具體僅表現在道德和習俗兩個領域;難養(yǎng)兒童的規(guī)則內化水平顯著低于普通兒童和易養(yǎng)兒童;民主養(yǎng)育與兒童的規(guī)則內化正相關,消極養(yǎng)育(尤其是專制和忽視行為)與規(guī)則內化負相關;養(yǎng)育對兒童規(guī)則內化的作用存在性別差異,家長的專制和忽視行為不利于女孩的規(guī)則內化,民主行為促進男孩的規(guī)則內化;養(yǎng)育對易養(yǎng)兒童規(guī)則內化的作用比對普通兒童更強,難養(yǎng)兒童不受家長養(yǎng)育影響。家長需要分階段、有重點、有技巧地進行規(guī)則教育,特別要關注女孩的情感敏感性,重視風險氣質兒童的自身成長,以促進兒童的社會化。
254 children aged 3 ~7 and their parents were investigated to find out the effects of parental parenting behaviors,children's characteristics on children's internalization of rules. The results showed that:(1)Children's internalization of rules improved significantly during 3 ~7 years old,while the time of rapid improvement varied in different domains.(2)Girls showed higher level of internalization of rules than boys,but only in moral and convention domains. The internalization of rules of difficult children was significantly lower than that of normal and easy children.(3)Democratic parenting was positively correlated with internalization of rules,while negative parenting negatively,especially for authoritarian and neglect parenting.(4)There were gender differences in the role of parenting on children's internalization of rules. Authoritarian and neglect parenting were harmful to girls' internalization of rules,while democratic parenting promoted boys' internalization of rules.(5)Parenting affected easy children'internalization of rules more than normal ones. Difficult children were not affected by parenting. Parents should carry out rule education in stages,with focus and skills. Also parents should pay more attention to the emotional sensitivity of girls and the development of children with risk temperament,to promote the socialization of children.

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