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學(xué)前教育研究 頁數(shù): 9 2020-02-01
摘要: 良好的職業(yè)生涯適應(yīng)力是幼兒園教師應(yīng)對(duì)我國(guó)學(xué)前教育事業(yè)發(fā)展帶來的挑戰(zhàn)的重要心理資源。本研究以872名幼兒園教師為研究對(duì)象,采用職業(yè)生涯適應(yīng)力量表、工作滿意度量表和離職意向量表,考察幼兒園教師職業(yè)生涯適應(yīng)力對(duì)其離職意向的影響及工作滿意度的中介效應(yīng),結(jié)果顯示幼兒園教師職業(yè)生涯適應(yīng)力處于中等偏上水平,且在工齡和合同類型方面呈現(xiàn)顯著差異;職業(yè)生涯適應(yīng)力及其各維度與工作滿意度均呈顯著正相關(guān),與離職意向呈顯著負(fù)相關(guān);工作滿意度與離職意向呈顯著負(fù)相關(guān),并在職業(yè)生涯適應(yīng)力與離職意向關(guān)系中起著顯著的完全中介效應(yīng)。鑒于幼兒園教師職業(yè)生涯適應(yīng)力提升空間較大,政府應(yīng)切實(shí)改善和提高幼兒園教師的社會(huì)地位與工資待遇,幼兒園管理者應(yīng)重視教師職業(yè)培訓(xùn)與管理,教師個(gè)人應(yīng)做好自我生涯規(guī)劃,共同提升教師工作滿意度,降低幼兒園教師離職意向。
Good career adaptability is an important psychological resource for kindergarten teachers to cope with the sustainable development of preschool education. Taking 872 kindergarten teachers as the research objects,this research investigates the influence of the kindergarten teachers' career adaptability on their turnover intention,based on Career Adaptability Scale,Job Satisfaction Scale and Turnover Intention Scale,and the analysis of intermediate effect of their job satisfaction is also dealt with. The result shows that the kindergarten teachers' career adaptability is located on the above-average level and significant differences are found in their length of service; the career adaptability,as well as its various dimensions,bears significant positive correlation with the job satisfaction and significant negative correlation with the turnover intention; the job satisfaction shows significant negative correlation with the turnover intention,and it presents a significant full intermediate effect in the relationship between the career adaptability and turnover intention. The paper indicates that the kindergarten teachers' career adaptability has a vast space of improvement,which suggests that the country should really improve the social status and salary of the kindergarten teachers,the administrators of kindergartens should emphasize teachers' career training and administration and teachers themselves should better their career planning,so that the job satisfaction would be improved and the job-turnover intention would be lowered.

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