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學(xué)前教育研究 頁(yè)數(shù): 14 2020-02-01
摘要: 農(nóng)村幼兒園教師的職業(yè)壓力狀況與學(xué)前教育師資隊(duì)伍的穩(wěn)定性和兒童發(fā)展密切相關(guān)。對(duì)湖北省三個(gè)國(guó)家級(jí)貧困縣和一個(gè)非貧困縣155所農(nóng)村幼兒園734位教師的調(diào)查研究顯示,當(dāng)前農(nóng)村幼兒園教師面臨較大的職業(yè)壓力,44.47%的教師認(rèn)為壓力很大,但尚未達(dá)到高度倦怠的程度;非貧困縣教師壓力相對(duì)貧困縣較高。根據(jù)工作需求-控制-支持(DCS)模型,農(nóng)村幼兒園教師的職業(yè)壓力主要來(lái)自幼兒和家長(zhǎng),特別是家長(zhǎng)對(duì)孩子安全和知識(shí)技能的過(guò)度重視。有序概率選擇模型結(jié)果表明,農(nóng)村幼兒園教師職業(yè)壓力的影響因素包括工作量、困難兒童數(shù)量等工作要求因素,堅(jiān)毅品格、職業(yè)認(rèn)同感等控制因素,編制、工資滿意度、家人支持、工作支持等支持因素,以及年齡、戶口類型等人口學(xué)變量,同時(shí)存在一定的縣域差異。建議政府、社會(huì)和幼兒園建立有效的激勵(lì)約束機(jī)制,從工資待遇、社會(huì)地位、家長(zhǎng)觀念引導(dǎo)、工作量、抗壓培訓(xùn)等方面減輕教師職業(yè)壓力,提升教師壓力應(yīng)對(duì)能力;重點(diǎn)關(guān)注年齡偏大、缺乏編制、沒(méi)有非農(nóng)戶口、工作量超時(shí)的小班教師。
The occupational stress of teachers in rural kindergartens is related to the stability of rural preschool education faculty and the development of children. Based on the survey of 734 teachers in 155 rural kindergartens from three national poor counties in Hubei province and a non-poor county,empirical results show that the current rural preschool teachers face high occupational stress;44.47% of the surveyed teachers reported high stress,yet it has not reached a high level of burnout;the stress level for teachers from non-poor rural counties is higher than that from poor counties. According to the Demand-Control-Support(DCS) model,the major source of stress is the work demand from young children and their parents,especially parents' excessive attention to child security and their focus on knowledge and intellectual skills. Results from the ordered probit model show that the influencing factors of rural kindergarten teachers' occupational stress include:demand factors such as workload and number of difficult children in the class;control factors like grit and professional identity;support factors such as public identity(bianzhi),salary satisfaction,family support and job support;demographic factors like age and type of household registration;and there are some county differences as well. It is suggested that the government, society and kindergartens establish an effective incentive and restraint mechanism to reduce teachers' occupational stress from aspects of salary,social status,parental concept guidance,workload and anti-pressure training,so as to improve their stress coping ability;special attention should be paid towards the elderly,without bianzhi,rural hukou,high workload and xiaoban teachers for the youngest children in the kindergarten.

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