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學(xué)前教育研究 頁數(shù): 15 2020-02-01
摘要: 在當(dāng)今推崇尊重兒童、以兒童為本的時代背景下,雖然教師主觀上非常認(rèn)同理解兒童的重要性,但教師仍被廣泛批評為"眼中沒有兒童"。本研究將深入幼兒園教育實踐場域忠實記錄的教師言行作為判斷"教師究竟在做什么"和"教師是否真正理解兒童"的依據(jù),結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)幼兒園教師每日面對兒童做得最多和最重要的事是"發(fā)指令",從大量指向任務(wù)完成的具體指令到"按教師指令行事"的元指令。雖然不能根據(jù)指令本身就斷定教師不理解兒童,但是從教師指令多不被兒童悅納,教師指令表現(xiàn)出又僵又直、不可變通的特性,教師對兒童違背指令行為的寬容十分有限來看,教師確實沒有真正地理解兒童。同樣,指令本身并不會阻礙教師理解兒童,教師之所以會固執(zhí)于指令,其根源是教師認(rèn)為自己所發(fā)的指令都是為了兒童好,飽含著教師對兒童的教育善意和強烈的教育責(zé)任,體現(xiàn)了教師對幼兒園教育特點的專業(yè)認(rèn)識與幼兒園教育最新發(fā)展趨勢的專業(yè)把握。在教師看來,兒童只需按照自己的指令去做就會取得進(jìn)步并獲得發(fā)展,這使得教師關(guān)注的實際上只是自己指令參照下的兒童,最清楚的不過是兒童對待和執(zhí)行自己指令的情況,對于自己沒有真正理解兒童甚至誤解兒童卻沒有覺察。要破解教師無意造成的此種內(nèi)在阻礙,需要教師超越對幼兒園教育特點的刻板認(rèn)識,消除"必須如此"的時間緊迫感,為教師理解兒童提供可能;修正對幼兒園教育發(fā)展趨勢的偏執(zhí)理解,沖破"必然如此"的思維狹隘,為教師理解兒童打開視野;擯棄對幼兒園教育規(guī)律的錯誤認(rèn)識,解除"只能如此"的自我限定,為教師理解兒童提供持續(xù)動力。
Kindergarten teachers in China now usually agree on the importance of understanding children in their class,but they are often criticized for their not really having children in mind. By the way of field research in an urban public model kindergarten,it's found that what teachers do most every day in class is giving a lot of orders to children. Although it's not reasonable to assert teachers' not understanding children just because they give too many orders in class,the unpleasure of children,the rigidity of teachers' orders,and the intolerance of teachers when children not following their orders prove that teachers do not actually understand children yet. But it's unreasonable either to ascribe teachers' not understanding children to their orders. The problem does not seem so simple. From the view of teachers,the orders they give to children are all helpful to children's progress and development,so it's important and necessary for children to comply with teachers' orders and instructions,which certainly makes teachers focus on children's performance on whether they follow teachers' orders or not,but not on who children really are. To crack such inner obstacles,teachers need to change their stereotypes about the characteristics,trends and rules of kindergarten education to have access to children's real world and understand them deeply.

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