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當(dāng)代教育論壇 頁(yè)數(shù): 13 2019-12-19 09:17
摘要: 自2010年特別是黨的十八大以來(lái),我國(guó)學(xué)前教育政策明顯向中西部農(nóng)村地區(qū)、貧困地區(qū)的傾斜。依托國(guó)家出臺(tái)的學(xué)前教育政策傾斜文本,通過(guò)分解與梳理"重點(diǎn)發(fā)展農(nóng)村學(xué)前教育"這一宏觀政策目標(biāo),基于2010—2018年中國(guó)教育統(tǒng)計(jì)年鑒數(shù)據(jù),對(duì)政策文件中提出的正式目標(biāo)的完成情況進(jìn)行監(jiān)測(cè)和衡量,并結(jié)合我國(guó)城區(qū)、鎮(zhèn)區(qū)及鄉(xiāng)村的學(xué)前教育發(fā)展水平的對(duì)比來(lái)評(píng)估政策達(dá)成的成效。結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn),政策傾斜效應(yīng)下,我國(guó)鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)一級(jí)的學(xué)前教育資源迅速擴(kuò)大、普及水平提升;鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)幼兒園教師數(shù)量補(bǔ)充及學(xué)歷層次提升明顯;幼兒園辦園條件改善顯著,城鄉(xiāng)差距不斷縮小。但同時(shí)發(fā)現(xiàn),享受政策傾斜地區(qū)在普惠性學(xué)前教育資源上的優(yōu)勢(shì)并不凸顯;普惠性學(xué)前教育資源明顯不足,民辦園在讀幼兒比例逐年上升;幼師數(shù)量依然緊缺,鄉(xiāng)村幼兒園生師比遠(yuǎn)高于城鎮(zhèn);師資水平差距依然很大。
Since 2010 especially after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the country offered series of preferential policy to rural places and poverty-stricken areas in the process of supplying pre-school education policies. Began with analyzing and sorting out policy objectives, the research design used the formal evaluation theory provided by William N. Dunn, which the core concept is that one policy's effectiveness can be valued by its goals' completion situation. The results of the policy implementation are measured by data from China Education Statistics Yearbook. Findings are that the policy got obvious effectiveness on aspects like resource expanding, popularization level, teacher quantity and quality improving and gaps-shrinking between kindergarten conditions of urban and rural areas. Nevertheless, it also found that the preferential policy showed limited effectiveness on public-interest resources offering, which can be seen as the proportion of children in private kindergardens is increasing year by year no matter in rural or urban areas. Moreover, the biggest gap worth noticing is the teacher student ratio unbalance between the two areas.

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