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云南大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào)(社會(huì)科學(xué)版) 頁數(shù): 9 2020-01-19 13:45
摘要: 要真正把握什么是兒童哲學(xué),從哲學(xué)的角度去理解兒童,是兒童哲學(xué)的理論探索面臨之第一問題。這就必須重新思考兒童與哲學(xué)之關(guān)系,對(duì)究竟是"兒童"的哲學(xué)還是"哲學(xué)"的兒童進(jìn)行反思,也即是對(duì)李普曼和馬修斯的兒童哲學(xué)進(jìn)行重新審視。通過對(duì)"玩"與兒童生活本真目的之關(guān)系的探析,確立以"玩"這一蘊(yùn)含兒童本質(zhì)需求的形態(tài)為中心,考察兒童哲學(xué)在哲學(xué)-教育學(xué)進(jìn)路得以建立的可能性。進(jìn)而就"玩"之內(nèi)在邏輯與兒童的自我實(shí)現(xiàn)的深層關(guān)系,確證兒童哲學(xué)得以展開的可能性,即兒童與"玩"的緊密關(guān)系,從而實(shí)現(xiàn)對(duì)流行的兒童哲學(xué)形態(tài),以及傳統(tǒng)的兒童教育理念的全面反思。
The correct understanding of philosophy for children or the philosophical interpretation of children is the first question in the theoretical exploration of philosophy for children. We must reconsider the relationship between children and philosophy,and reflect on whether it is the philosophy of "children"or children of "philosophy",that is,to re-examine Lippman's and Matthews' s philosophy of children. This paper analyzes the relationship between"play"and the authentic purpose of children's life,focuses on"play"as the form revealing the basic needs of children,and investigates the possibility of establishing the philosophy of children based on philosophy and pedagogy. It also explores the deep relationship between the inner logic of"play"and the self-realization of children,confirms the possibility of the development of children of philosophy,that is,the close relationship between children and"play",and gives comprehensive reflections on the popular forms of philosophy of children and the traditional concept of education for children.

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