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學(xué)前教育研究 頁數(shù): 4 2020-01-01
摘要: 幼兒園大型戶外建構(gòu)游戲具有空間大、材料豐富的特點,能夠支持幼兒深度學(xué)習(xí),促進幼兒全面發(fā)展。借鑒體驗學(xué)習(xí)循環(huán)模式,結(jié)合幼兒游戲特點,對大型戶外建構(gòu)游戲進行課程化探索,可以將課程目標定為促進幼兒學(xué)習(xí)品質(zhì)與情感社會性的發(fā)展及科學(xué)素養(yǎng)的提升,課程內(nèi)容上關(guān)注幼兒的興趣和個體特征,課程組織上包括計劃、游戲和回顧三個遞進的環(huán)節(jié),課程評價涵蓋對幼兒發(fā)展、游戲環(huán)境、教師專業(yè)發(fā)展的評價。這就需要幼兒園提供寬闊的戶外游戲空間,創(chuàng)設(shè)有準備的環(huán)境;合理投放建構(gòu)材料,提供豐富的游戲內(nèi)容;注重幼兒前期經(jīng)驗的積累,加強教師游戲指導(dǎo),關(guān)注幼兒計劃、評價和反思能力的發(fā)展。
The game is the basic way to carry out kindergarten education activities. Construction-type games can improve children's learning level by cultivating their learning quality and scientific literacy.Large outdoor construction games in kindergarten have the characteristics of large space,deep participation of children and wide range of fields. It provides a good environment for children to learn independently.Its construction should focus on changing the educational concept of teachers and parents and adjusting the form of curriculum organization;to explore the curriculum model and establish an appropriate curriculum system;innovate the game form,and establish the good game environment;evaluate the development of children and improve the game curriculum system. Its organization and implementation should pay attention to the creation of the environment and the provision of materials,pay attention to the accumulation of early childhood experience and the appropriate intervention of teacher guidance,and improve children's thinking ability and independent learning ability through guiding children to participate in game communication and reflection.

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