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學前教育研究 頁數(shù): 12 2020-01-01
摘要: 依據(jù)新人力資本理論,學前教育經(jīng)歷對個體認知與非認知能力的發(fā)展都有重要影響。本研究把學業(yè)成績作為認知能力的表征,同時從自我效能、學習投入、校園霸凌、社會性四個方面度量非認知能力,通過監(jiān)測2017年西部某市103所中學學科素養(yǎng),采用傾向得分匹配法,分析學前教育經(jīng)歷對初中生認知和非認知能力發(fā)展的影響,結果發(fā)現(xiàn)學前教育機會的獲得存在個體及家庭背景差異;學前教育經(jīng)歷對初中生的學業(yè)成績和非認知能力均具有積極作用,但接受學前教育年限僅在自我效能這一非認知能力上差異顯著;是否接受學前教育的影響大于接受學前教育年限的影響;學前教育經(jīng)歷對減少初中生的校園霸凌等問題行為具有明顯的作用。學前教育階段是個體非認知能力發(fā)展的重要時期,有助于校園霸凌的及早預防。學前教育機會與資源供給應向特殊困難地區(qū)傾斜,進一步擴大弱勢兒童接受學前教育機會,并盡力保障其學前教育質(zhì)量。
This study is based on the new human capital theory,which divides ability into cognitive ability and non-cognitive ability,using academic achievement as the representation of cognitive ability,and dividing non-cognitive ability into self-efficacy,learning engagement,school bullying and sociality.Based on the monitoring data of 103 western China middle schools in 2017, the propensity score matching method is used to analyze the influence of preschool education experience on the academic performance and non-cognitive ability of junior school students. This study found that preschool education opportunities have individual and family background differences; preschool education experience has a positive effect on students' academic achievement and non-cognitive ability,but the preschool education years only differ in self-efficacy significantly;accept preschool education or not has a greater impact on the later development of the student than the preschool education years; the preschool education experience can reduce junior school students' school bullying behaviors. Therefore,it's necessary to grasp the critical period of children's development to cultivate non-cognitive ability development and prevent school bullying from childhood;we must tilt to special hardship areas to further expand the acceptance of vulnerable children's preschool education opportunities; more attention should be paid to teacher admission and development, supervise the work and quality of preschool education institutions to guarantee the quality of preschool education.

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