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學(xué)前教育研究 頁數(shù): 12 2020-01-01
摘要: 為探討幼兒園教師人崗匹配程度與職業(yè)倦怠的關(guān)系,以及工作滿意度與組織支持感知在二者關(guān)系中的作用,本研究選取中部某省會城市1292名幼兒園教師為研究對象,采用人崗匹配問卷、工作滿意度問卷、組織支持感知問卷和職業(yè)倦怠問卷進(jìn)行測量,結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)幼兒園教師自我評價的人崗匹配程度和職業(yè)倦怠水平在教齡、學(xué)歷、日工作時長、園所性質(zhì)等人口學(xué)變量上存在顯著差異,其中6~10年教齡、大專及以下學(xué)歷、日工作時長不超過10小時、私立園所的教師自我評價的人崗匹配程度顯著較高,而職業(yè)倦怠水平顯著較低;人崗匹配程度對職業(yè)倦怠有顯著的負(fù)向預(yù)測作用,工作滿意度在二者之間具有部分中介作用;人崗匹配程度對職業(yè)倦怠的影響受組織支持感知的調(diào)節(jié),與低組織支持感知相比,高組織支持感知可以加強(qiáng)人崗匹配程度對職業(yè)倦怠的負(fù)向預(yù)測作用。幼兒園在教師招聘與管理工作中應(yīng)考察其人崗匹配程度,關(guān)注其在人崗匹配程度上的變化,并加強(qiáng)對教師的組織支持,提高教師的工作滿意度,進(jìn)而避免或降低教師的職業(yè)倦怠。
In order to explore the relationship among person-job fit,job burnout,job satisfaction and perceived organizational support in preschool teachers. This research selected 1292 preschool teachers in a central provincial capital city as the objects, and adopted the person-job fit questionnaire, job satisfaction questionnaire,perceived organizational support questionnaire and job burnout questionnaire as the measurements. The results showed that the person-job fit of preschool teachers between 1~5 years was significantly lower than that of preschool teachers between 6 ~10 years of teaching age. And the level of job burnout of preschool teachers with teaching age of 6 ~10 years was significantly lower than that of preschool teachers with teaching age of 1 ~5 years and more than 20 years. The person-job fit of preschool teachers with high school,technical secondary school,technical school education and junior college education was significantly higher than that of preschool teachers with bachelor 's degree or above,and job burnout level of preschool teachers with bachelor's degree or above was significantly higher than that of preschool teachers with junior college degree or high school,technical secondary school,technical school degree. The author also found that person-job fit had significant negative predictive effect on job burnout,and job satisfaction had a partial mediating effect between them. And the effect of person-job fit on job burnout was moderated by perceived organizational support,that is to say,compared with low perceived organizational support,high perceived organizational support can strengthen the negative prediction effect of person-job fit on job burnout. In the future,when recruiting talents,preschools should focus on the degree of matching their capabilities with their posts,improve organizational support for preschool teachers and improve the job satisfaction of preschool teachers pay to avoid the occurrence of job burnout.

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