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教育發(fā)展研究 頁數(shù): 7 2019-12-25
摘要: 本文通過對史料、已有研究以及當(dāng)前政策的分析,梳理出自建國以來我國托育服務(wù)的發(fā)展脈絡(luò),根據(jù)數(shù)量變化可將其劃分為五個階段,分別是建國初期的井噴式發(fā)展階段、文革時期的幾近消亡階段、改革開放初期的緩慢恢復(fù)階段、改革深化后的再次萎縮階段以及全面二胎政策實(shí)施以來的再次回暖階段。本研究對每一階段背后的政治、經(jīng)濟(jì)、人口等原因進(jìn)行了深刻剖析,并通過對歷史經(jīng)驗(yàn)的總結(jié)得出相關(guān)啟示,包括政府需改變對托育服務(wù)的價(jià)值認(rèn)識,對其進(jìn)行統(tǒng)籌規(guī)劃并加大對托育機(jī)構(gòu)的財(cái)政投入,同時,倡導(dǎo)全社會參與和多方力量合作來共同滿足托育服務(wù)的需求。
Based on the analysis of historical materials, existing research and current policy, this study makes clear the development of 0-3-year-old childcare institutions in China since 1949. The development can be divided into five stages according to quantitative changes in institutions. Including the blowout development stage in the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the dying stage in the cultural revolution, the slow recovery stage in the early period of the reform and opening up, the shrinking stage caused by the deepening of the reform, and the new warming stage since the implementation of the universal two-child policy. Besides, by deeply analyzing the political, economic, demographic and other underlying reasons of each stage and summing up the historical experience, we come to the conclusion that the government needs to change its' understanding of the value of childcare services, and to make overall planning and increase the financial investment. Besides, to meet strong demand for childcare services, it's necessary to advocate the participation of all circles of society to provide childcare services together.

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