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教育發(fā)展研究 頁數(shù): 7 2019-12-25
摘要: 文章基于間斷均衡模型,對建國70年來學(xué)前教育政策變遷進(jìn)行了系統(tǒng)解釋。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),學(xué)前教育政策具有明顯的長期均衡和短期突變現(xiàn)象。政策圖景轉(zhuǎn)變中,由解放婦女轉(zhuǎn)向規(guī)范管理、由普及普惠向高質(zhì)量發(fā)展等,是促進(jìn)學(xué)前教育政策變遷過程中的重要因素。政策圖景較為穩(wěn)定時,政策壟斷就容易維持,學(xué)前教育政策就會進(jìn)入均衡時期。隨著社會環(huán)境以及自身因素的改變,政策圖景發(fā)生劇烈變化時,政策壟斷就會被打破,學(xué)前教育政策也會發(fā)生瞬時突變。同時基于本國國情對間斷均衡模型進(jìn)行本土化修訂。
Based on the punctuated-equilibrium framework, this paper systematically explains the policy changes of preschool education since 1949. It is found that preschool education policy has obvious long-term equilibrium and short-term mutation. In the change of policy image, the important factors in the process of promoting the policy change of preschool education include the change from the emancipation of women to the standard management and the change from the popularization to the high-quality development.When the policy image is relatively stable, the policy monopoly is easy to maintain, and the preschool education policy will enter the equilibrium period. With the change of social environment and its own factors, if the policy image changes dramatically,the policy monopoly will be broken and the preschool education policy will be suddenly changed. At the same time, the punctuated-equilibrium framework is modified locally based on the national conditions.

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