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教育發(fā)展研究 頁數: 6 2019-12-25
摘要: 幼兒教師職前培養(yǎng)的學制選擇,既關涉高等教育領域的學前教育專業(yè)建設,也關涉基礎教育領域的幼兒教師隊伍建設,應綜合考慮培養(yǎng)起點、培養(yǎng)年限、生源質量、培養(yǎng)院校和培養(yǎng)模式等關鍵變量進行學理研判。目前運行的學制較為雜亂,不同程度都存在缺陷。文章提出的優(yōu)化策略包括:彰顯專業(yè)特性,保持獨立品性;清理倡導并舉,創(chuàng)新新型學制;優(yōu)化培養(yǎng)政策,放大學制價值;加強基地建設,凸顯個性培養(yǎng)。
The choice of the school system for pre-vocational training of preschool teachers is related to the construction of preschool education majors in higher education and the construction of a contingent of preschool teachers in basic education. Key variables such as the starting point, length of training, quality of students, training institutions and training models should be taken into account. Conduct academic research and judgment. The current operating school system is messy and flawed to varying degrees.Optimization strategy includes: demonstrate professional characteristics, maintain independent quality; Clean up and advocate and create a new school system; Optimize the training policy and put the value of the university system; Strengthen base construction and highlight personality cultivation.

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