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學(xué)前教育研究 頁數(shù): 4 2019-12-01
摘要: 在幼兒園教育活動中重視背景音樂,巧用背景音樂,適當(dāng)使用背景音樂,可以優(yōu)化教育環(huán)境,改善師幼關(guān)系和同伴關(guān)系,促進幼兒全面發(fā)展。教師在為幼兒園教育活動選擇背景音樂時,應(yīng)遵循服務(wù)于教育活動、與環(huán)境相適宜和有利于幼兒情緒表達與發(fā)展的原則。這就決定了教師要根據(jù)不同的活動類型選用不同的背景音樂,并根據(jù)教育活動的進程對背景音樂做適當(dāng)?shù)恼{(diào)整,才能充分發(fā)揮背景音樂促進幼兒身心和諧健康發(fā)展的教育價值。
The background music is an important auxiliary factor to carry out kindergarten education activities,which can provide good support for the construction of educational environment. The background music in the kindergarten education activities can effectively optimize the education environment,improve small and peer relations and promote the comprehensive development of children,in the process of the choice of background music,should follow in the service of education activities,and the suitable environment and is conducive to children's emotional expression and the development principle,according to the needs of the education activity or processed using different content and different forms of music in the background.

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