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學前教育研究 頁數(shù): 5 2019-12-01
摘要: 繪本是重要的幼兒園教育資源,繪本教學已成為當前幼兒園教育的重要形式。鑒于繪本以圖為主的特點,幼兒園教師應具備一定的讀圖能力,至少包含以下三方面:理解繪本單張圖畫表達內容的能力,理解繪本所有圖畫合起來表達完整內容的能力,以及領悟繪本圖畫傳達意義的能力。幼兒園教師只有具備了一定的讀圖能力,才能在繪本教學時更好地分析和把握所用繪本與兒童經(jīng)驗的吻合程度,從而確定適宜的教學策略。對于圖畫內容與兒童經(jīng)驗吻合度較低的繪本,應以教師讀、兒童聽為主;對于圖畫內容與兒童經(jīng)驗基本吻合的繪本,可以采取教師導讀、兒童同看的教學方式;對于圖畫內容與兒童經(jīng)驗吻合度較高的繪本,則應以兒童自主閱讀為主。
As an important resource in early childhood reading teaching,picture books have been paid more and more attention to by the preschool community. To understand picture books only with the help of translation,teachers are likely to misread picture books due to translation errors,which requires kindergarten teachers to have certain ability to read pictures. Kindergarten teachers' ability to read pictures should include three aspects:the ability to grasp the content expressed by the pictures,the ability to grasp the overall content expressed by all pictures,and the ability to understand the meaning conveyed by pictures. Only when kindergarten teachers have a certain ability to read pictures can they better analyze how they are consistent with Chinese children's experience when using picture books for early reading teaching,so as to better explore the educational value of picture books in various aspects and determine which teaching strategies to use:children mainly listen to picture books whose content is less consistent with children's experience,the picture books whose content is basically consistent with that are mainly guided by teachers,and children's self-reading is the main feature of picture books whose content is consistent with that.

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