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學前教育研究 頁數(shù): 9 2019-12-01
摘要: 幼兒園教師心目中的"好老師"形象不僅是其對職業(yè)理想的認知,而且是其專業(yè)發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀的反映,可以為如何促進教師專業(yè)發(fā)展提供啟示。本研究采用質性研究方法對30位不同專業(yè)發(fā)展階段的幼兒園教師進行深度訪談,運用扎根理論以及NVivo11軟件對實習教師、新手教師、熟手教師、專家教師四個專業(yè)發(fā)展階段教師心目中的"好老師"形象進行分析,結果發(fā)現(xiàn)實習教師心目中的"好老師"是單純、有心的理想型教師,新手教師心目中的"好老師"是具有明確工作任務導向的務實型教師,熟手教師心目中的"好老師"是具有奉獻精神的持續(xù)成長型教師,專家教師心目中的"好老師"是心懷教育信仰、富有教育智慧、善于研究且有影響力的成熟型教師。幼兒園文化、個人職業(yè)角色轉化、生育事件等對教師心目中"好老師"形象的改變有著重要影響,幼兒園"好老師"形象應是多元化的專業(yè)人員的形象。
In order to meet the expectations of the country and the society for "good teacher"in kindergartens,analyze how kindergarten teachers understand the image of "good teacher",and promote teachers to constantly ponder and question how to make themselves step towards the goal of"good teacher".Based on the relevant national policy documents and based on the real educational life, this paper conducted in-depth interviews with 30 kindergarten teachers at different professional development stages with qualitative research methods,analyzed the "good teacher"image in the minds of teachers at four professional development stages, including grounded theory and NVivo11 software, tried to reveal the"good teacher"image in the minds of teachers at different development stages,and constructed the"good teacher"model in the minds of kindergarten teachers at different levels. The study found that prospective teachers mind "good teacher"is the ideal of pure,a heart type teachers,novice teachers mind"good teacher"is practical and has clear task oriented teachers,skilled teachers' minds "good teacher"image is a dedication to the sustained growth of teachers and expert teachers is the idea of a "good teacher"image with education beliefs,education wisdom,good at study and influential teacher. This paper reflects on and discusses the factors that influence the image of"good teacher",the enlightenment brought by the image of "good teacher"in the eyes of highly educated teachers,and the reflection caused by the image of"good teacher"in the eyes of kindergarten teachers who graduated from non-preschool majors.

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