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比較教育研究 頁數(shù): 8 2019-11-10
摘要: 幼兒園虐童事件頻發(fā)引發(fā)學(xué)界與社會高度關(guān)注。英國幼教服務(wù)供給市場建立了一套起點(diǎn)設(shè)防、過程監(jiān)管、失信懲戒的運(yùn)行機(jī)制,構(gòu)筑了一套幼兒安全保障防范與治理體系:通過服務(wù)認(rèn)證管理、人員安全招聘、完善立法預(yù)警等方式執(zhí)行高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的幼教服務(wù)準(zhǔn)入制度;通過中央督查、地方承責(zé)、組織協(xié)同與社會聯(lián)動規(guī)范救助流程、提供專業(yè)干預(yù)、拓寬檢舉通道、促進(jìn)機(jī)構(gòu)協(xié)作,從而實(shí)現(xiàn)幼教服務(wù)供給的過程監(jiān)管;事后重點(diǎn)治亂,對于失范教師予以嚴(yán)懲,執(zhí)行終身禁教與司法制裁,對于失范機(jī)構(gòu)勒令市場退出并進(jìn)一步連帶追責(zé)。
The frequent occurrences of child abuse in kindergartens have aroused great concern from academia and society. The British preschool education service market has established a set of operational mechanisms of starting point defense, process supervision and credit punishment, and constructed a set of child safety prevention and protection systems and management systems, including the following aspects: It has implemented accreditation for preschool education services, recruited qualified staff rigorously, and established a complete legal protection system in order to improve the quality of starting point of supervision; It has strengthened central supervision, and local governments have played an important regulatory role. Professional organizations have actively participated in protecting abused children. It has broadened the channels of accusation and promoted institutional collaboration in order to improve the quality of process supervision. It imposes severe penalties on teachers who maltreats children, and prohibits them from teaching and punishes them by judicial authority. Furthermore, the agency of child abuse would be ordered to withdraw from the market, and the responsible person would be punished further.

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