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比較教育研究 頁數(shù): 9 2019-11-10
摘要: 近年來,學(xué)前兒童公民教育愈發(fā)受到各國學(xué)者的關(guān)注,并逐漸成為學(xué)前教育課程的重要內(nèi)容,傳統(tǒng)的兒童公民理念也出現(xiàn)了新的發(fā)展動向。首先,作為兒童公民教育的核心,兒童公民身份正在由"等待中的公民"向"今日之公民"逐漸過渡;其次,兒童公民身份的核心范疇也由單純包含兒童權(quán)利擴(kuò)展為主動參與、身份認(rèn)同和歸屬感、公民責(zé)任等內(nèi)容。上述理念嬗變彰顯了學(xué)前公民教育豐富公民理念與內(nèi)涵、以公平為邏輯起點(diǎn)、關(guān)注兒童參與和體驗(yàn)、立足本土歷史文化等發(fā)展趨勢。但是,學(xué)前兒童公民教育的未來發(fā)展仍然面臨諸多潛在挑戰(zhàn),如理念的轉(zhuǎn)向困難、本土立場難以明確以及課程內(nèi)容與實(shí)踐的形式化等。
In recent years, preschool children's citizenship education has been emphasized globally and gradually becomes a main content in early childhood curriculum. Traditional ideas on early age citizens see some new changes. As the core of early age children's citizenship education, children' s citizenship is gradually transferred from citizens in waiting to citizens today, including right, active participation, identity and sense of belonging, and collective responsibility. The above transformation highlights global trends such as enriching ideas and contents on citizenship, regarding equity as the logic starting point, paying attention to young children's participation and experience, and being rooted in indigenous context and culture. In the meantime, potential challenges still exist for the future development of young children's citizenship, such as the difficulty of transferring ideas, ambiguous standing point and the tokenism of curriculum content and practice.

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