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南京師大學(xué)報(社會科學(xué)版) 頁數(shù): 15 2019-11-25
摘要: 新中國成立70年來,我國的幼兒園課程經(jīng)歷了從模仿借鑒到規(guī)范創(chuàng)新的發(fā)展歷程。幼兒園課程概念從消失到回歸,內(nèi)涵也不斷發(fā)生變化,體現(xiàn)了不同時期秉持的不同的課程理念,也說明了幼兒園教育改革的必要性和重要性。20世紀五六十年代,我國幼兒園課程經(jīng)歷了從"仿蘇"到偏離"蘇聯(lián)軌道"的過程,確立了學(xué)科課程與分科教學(xué)模式。改革開放以來,幼兒園課程進入了恢復(fù)與改革期,幼兒園課程開始由統(tǒng)一化走向多元化、自主化。自20世紀90年代以來,幼兒園課程進入規(guī)范和創(chuàng)新發(fā)展時期,多種多樣的課程實踐模式不斷涌現(xiàn)。21世紀以來,在多學(xué)科的理論觀照下,幼兒園課程呈現(xiàn)出創(chuàng)新變革的新局面。70年來,幼兒園課程建設(shè)和發(fā)展的事實表明,生活化、游戲化和整體性在幼兒園課程中或遠離或趨近,但一直是幼兒園課程研究繞不開的基本課題。
China's kindergarten curriculum has undergone a shift from borrowing and learning to standardization and innovation since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949.The concept of curriculum,which had once disappeared in China's policy discourse for a period of time,has undergone constant changes in its content.These changes indicate that we have different understandings of curriculum in different periods and that it is necessary and important to reform kindergarten education.In the 1950 s and 1960 s,China's kindergarten curriculum first followed the Soviet pattern and then became independent from it by basically establishing subject courses and teaching the kids different subjects accordingly.After the inception of reform and opening up in 1978,the kindergarten curriculum entered a stage of reform and adjustment:the implementation of a unified plan began to be replaced by plural curricula and teachers were given more autonomy.In the 1990 s,the development of kindergarten curriculum entered a period of standardization and innovation which has witnessed a continuous emergence of various mode of practice in kindergarten education.Since the turn of this century,informed by theoretical achievements in different disciplines,China's kindergarten curriculum has embraced a new round of innovation and reform.China's development in kindergarten curriculum over the past 70 years shows that despite twists and turns,the pursuit of a comprehensive education based on life-enriching games has always been the basic issue in the research on the kindergarten curriculum.

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