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學前教育研究 頁數(shù): 16 2019-11-01
摘要: 在園本教研中倡導構建教師共同體文化,是幼兒園教研實踐發(fā)展的必然要求,對提升保教質(zhì)量,促進教師專業(yè)發(fā)展和兒童發(fā)展具有重要的現(xiàn)實意義。為了解當前園本教研中教師共同體文化的發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀,本研究對C市504名幼兒園教師和教研管理者進行問卷調(diào)查,結合深度訪談與實地考察,結果發(fā)現(xiàn)我國幼兒園在園本教研過程中已形成兼具共性與個性特征的教師共同體文化,且整體表現(xiàn)良好,不同等級幼兒園之間存在差異;教研主體構成多元化,幼兒園教師是第一主體,教研專家介入較少;教師共同體精神文化表現(xiàn)最明顯,是影響教師共同體文化形成的必然因素;教研團隊成員之間形成良性關系,教研爭鳴具有積極效應,表現(xiàn)出一種"和而不同"的行為文化,是影響教師共同體文化形成的關鍵因素;已建立多元化教研制度,教研權有所下放,"一言堂"現(xiàn)象仍然存在,教師共同體制度文化在不同地區(qū)幼兒園之間存在差異;不同等級幼兒園的教師共同體物質(zhì)文化有差異,但都普遍重視教研空間與時間條件的創(chuàng)設和支持。在園本教研中構建教師共同體文化,既要有正向的教研共同愿景,堅持以問題為導向,鼓勵積極的對話協(xié)商;又要下放并賦予教師教研權,實現(xiàn)多元化教研評價,吸引教研專家彈性介入。
Advocating and constructing teachers' community culture based on Kindergarten-based Teaching and Research is an inevitable requirement for the development of teaching and research in kindergartens and is of great and realistic significance to improve the quality of nursing and education and promote teachers' professional development and children's development. In this study,questionnaire,interview and observation were used to investigate the situations of Kindergarten-based Teaching and Research in urban and rural kindergartens in C city. The questionnaire survey was conducted among 504 teachers and managers in teaching and research,and combined with in-depth interviews and field visits,so as to investigate the current situations of teachers' community culture in Kindergarten-based Teaching and Research. The results showed that the overall situation of teachers' community culture was good and had both generality and individuality,but significant differences were found only in the kindergartens from different grades;the main subject constitutions of teaching and research were diversified,preschool teachers were the first subject,and the involvement of teaching and research experts was still less;the good situations about institutional culture of teacher community were the most prominent,which was the inevitable factor to affect the generation of teachers' community culture;the benign relationship has been formed among members of teaching and research,there were differences in cooperation and participation,the contention of teaching and research had positive effects,behavioral culture of teacher community was the key factor to affect the generation of teachers' community culture;diversified teaching and research systems had been established,the power of teaching and research has been decentralized,the phenomenon that "what I say goes"still existed,and significant differences about institutional culture of teacher community were found in kindergartens from different regions;space and time conditions were valued in material culture of teacher community,and significant differences were found in the kindergartens from different grades. Thus,there are two paths to construct the teachers' community culture in Kindergarten-based Teaching and Research. Based on the endogenous path:forming a positive shared vision for teaching and research,adhering to problem orientation,encouraging active dialogue and consultation. Based on the exogenous path:the power and the right of teaching and research should be given to teachers,realizing diversified evaluation of teaching and research,experts should be flexible to intervene in the teaching and research.

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