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華東師范大學學報(教育科學版) 頁數(shù): 14 2019-11-20
摘要: 情緒勞動是一把"雙刃劍"。在早期的研究中,學者們大多關(guān)注的是情緒勞動的負面影響,如由情緒勞動帶來的工作壓力、工作倦怠以及對身心健康的影響等。但在隨后的研究中,情緒勞動的積極影響得到關(guān)注,如情緒勞動可提高員工的經(jīng)濟收入、自我成就感的實現(xiàn)等。本研究利用1040名各類幼兒園教師樣本,探究幼兒園教師這一特殊職業(yè)群體的情緒勞動狀況。研究結(jié)果表明:(1)幼兒教師"很少"進行表層表現(xiàn),"有時"或"經(jīng)常"進行深層表現(xiàn),幾乎"總是"呈現(xiàn)自然表現(xiàn);(2)表層表現(xiàn)和教師的付出、教學經(jīng)驗和家庭對工作的干擾有正相關(guān)系;(3)深層表現(xiàn)對情緒耗竭和低成就感均有抑制作用,而自然表現(xiàn)則對低成就感和去個人化有抑制作用。本研究結(jié)果與傳統(tǒng)研究結(jié)果并不一致,但與學前教育工作在情緒勞動的特殊性方面密切相關(guān),契合國際上重建幼兒教育專業(yè)的概念運動??梢?擁有專業(yè)成就感與滿足感是提高教師社會身份之關(guān)鍵,同時對完善我國幼兒園教師專業(yè)標準研制具有有益啟示。
Emotional labor is a double-edged sword. In earlier studies, most researchers focus on the negative effects of emotional labor such as work-related stress, burnout and physical and mental health resulting from emotional labor. In more recent studies, researchers have taken notice of the positive effects of emotional labor such as increase in salary and actualization of self-achievement. Utilizing a sample of 1,040 teachers from different types of kindergartens, this study explores emotional labor among kindergarten teachers. The results show:(a) kindergarten teachers "seldom" display surface acting, "sometimes" or "often" display deep acting, and almost "always" display natural acting;(b) surface acting is positively related to teachers' work effort, teaching experience, and family interference;(c) deep acting has a negative effect on emotional exhaustion and low accomplishment while natural acting has a negative effect on low accomplishment and depersonalization. While the results are somewhat inconsistent with those in traditional studies in the area, they well reflect the uniqueness of emotional labor in preschool education and resonate with the international movement of reconstruction of early childhood education. Since the sense of professional achievement and satisfaction is crucial to raising social status of kindergarten teachers, this study also has implications for the development of professional standards for kindergarten teachers.

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