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當(dāng)代教育論壇 頁數(shù): 10 2019-10-10 10:02
摘要: 0~3歲兒童早期發(fā)展包括養(yǎng)育、照料、營養(yǎng)、衛(wèi)生、保健、福利及社會環(huán)境等方面的綜合性發(fā)展,需要家庭、社會、政府的全方位參與。農(nóng)村貧困地區(qū)因地域的特殊性、經(jīng)濟(jì)社會發(fā)展的滯后性、家庭養(yǎng)育能力不足的現(xiàn)實(shí)性、公共服務(wù)領(lǐng)域的低保障性及社會供給服務(wù)的不平衡性等諸多因素的制約,農(nóng)村貧困地區(qū)兒童早期發(fā)展公共意識淡薄、養(yǎng)育環(huán)境受限、兒童自身發(fā)展滯后成為農(nóng)村貧困地區(qū)制約兒童早期發(fā)展的瓶頸。解決這一問題的關(guān)鍵在于,要把農(nóng)村貧困地區(qū)差異化、多樣化的文化生活習(xí)俗與現(xiàn)代科學(xué)養(yǎng)育理念相結(jié)合,構(gòu)建以政府為主導(dǎo)、以家庭為核心、以社會力量為支撐、以社區(qū)為平臺的資源整合機(jī)制,探索符合本土化操作的具體出路。
Early child development of aged 0-3 years includes comprehensive development in parenting,care, nutrition, health, health care, welfare, social environment, etc., and requires the full participation of families,society and government. And constraints of many unfavorable factors in poor rural where Due to the diversity of the region, the lag of economic and social development, the reality of insufficient family parenting, the low security of public service, and the imbalance of social supply,these disadvantages lead to weak public awareness, limited environment parenting, and lagging development of early child in rural poverty-stricken areas,these will become a huge obstacle to early child development of poor rural areas. But the key Strategies to solve this problem is a specific path that conforms to local operations.That is to combine the cultural life habits of different and diverse rural poverty areas with the modern scientific parenting concept, and take the government as the leading factor, the family as the core, and the social forces as the support to integrate resources and get out.

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