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當(dāng)代教育論壇 頁數(shù): 8 2019-10-08
摘要: 城鄉(xiāng)學(xué)前教育財政經(jīng)費分配公平是實現(xiàn)學(xué)前教育公平的前提條件。分析2011—2016年31個省份的面板數(shù)據(jù)和東部某樣本省份問卷調(diào)研數(shù)據(jù)發(fā)現(xiàn),城鄉(xiāng)學(xué)前教育財政縱向公平在全國、省和部分樣本區(qū)縣,得到了不同程度的改善,但是農(nóng)村學(xué)前教育財政經(jīng)費缺失的劣勢并未根本扭轉(zhuǎn),學(xué)前教育財政投入的"鄉(xiāng)村洼地"現(xiàn)象凸顯。學(xué)前教育公用經(jīng)費城鄉(xiāng)縱向公平的改善先于人員經(jīng)費的改善,但持續(xù)改進乏力。研究建議:進一步增強學(xué)前教育財政投入的補償性,改革投入體制機制,讓資源向農(nóng)村尤其是鄉(xiāng)村傾斜,向農(nóng)村幼兒園教師的收入保障和專業(yè)發(fā)展傾斜。
The equal distribution of public ECE financial resources is a prerequisite of the ECE equity.Analyzing the panel data of 31 provinces in China and the questionnaires conducted in a sample province in the eastern China, this study discovered that the vertical equity in Chinese ECE fiscal system has been enhanced greatly. However, the gap between rural and urban areas still persists. We also found that ECE services in the villages, which tend to be mostly under-developed, requires sufficient attention. Besides, the vertical equity of non-personnel expenditure has been improved before that of personnel expenditure, nevertheless its continuous improvement seems rather difficult. To better compensate disadvantaged areas, we insist on reforming the funding mechanisms to lead more resources to rural areas especially villages, to rural teachers' compensations, and to their professional development.

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