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民族教育研究 頁(yè)數(shù): 6 2019-10-15
摘要: 內(nèi)蒙古"三少民族"(達(dá)斡爾族、鄂溫克族、鄂倫春族)"文化理解與傳承"素養(yǎng)的形成對(duì)于個(gè)體成長(zhǎng)、民族共生、社會(huì)發(fā)展等均具有重要價(jià)值。學(xué)前教育與民族文化傳承存在內(nèi)在的耦合邏輯,體現(xiàn)為學(xué)前教育和民族文化傳承具有內(nèi)在的文化同構(gòu)性、傳承優(yōu)秀民族文化是學(xué)前教育的基本功能、學(xué)前教育機(jī)構(gòu)是文化傳承的重要實(shí)踐場(chǎng)域。"三少民族"文化在學(xué)前教育的傳承中,主要問(wèn)題有園本課程民族文化類(lèi)主題活動(dòng)開(kāi)展不多、民族民間兒童游戲開(kāi)發(fā)及利用不充分、民族傳統(tǒng)經(jīng)典作品的傳播弱化、學(xué)前雙語(yǔ)教育實(shí)施困難、具備多元文化素養(yǎng)的學(xué)前教師數(shù)量不足。通過(guò)精心設(shè)計(jì)園本課程民族文化類(lèi)主題活動(dòng)、深度開(kāi)發(fā)民族民間兒童游戲、大力傳播民族傳統(tǒng)經(jīng)典作品、有效實(shí)施學(xué)前雙語(yǔ)教育、著力培養(yǎng)具備多元文化素養(yǎng)的師資隊(duì)伍等實(shí)踐活動(dòng),使"三少民族"文化在學(xué)前教育中得以傳承。
The formation of the competence to understand and inherit the cultures of Daur, Ewenki and Oroqen ethnic groups is of important value for individual growth, national symbiosis and social development. There is an inherent coupling logic between preschool education and ethnic culture inheritance, which is reflected in the fact that they have inherent cultural isomorphism, because inheriting excellent ethnic culture is the basic function of preschool education, and preschool education institutions are the important practice fields of cultural inheritance. In inheriting the culture of the three ethnic groups in preschool education, the main problems are insufficient ethnic cultural theme activities in kindergarten-based curriculum, insufficient development and utilization of ethnic folk children's games, weakened dissemination of traditional ethnic works, difficulties in implementing preschool bilingual education, and insufficient preschool teachers with multicultural qualities. The traditional culture of the three ethnic groups can be inherited in preschool education through elaborate design of theme activities of ethnic culture in kindergarten-based curriculum, in-depth development of ethnic folk children's games, vigorous dissemination of traditional ethnic classics, effective implementation of preschool bilingual education, and training teachers with multicultural qualities.

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