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課程.教材.教法 頁數(shù): 8 2019-06-01
摘要: 新中國成立70年來,我國幼兒園課程發(fā)生了巨大變化:在課程模式上,從全國統(tǒng)一實(shí)施分科課程到形成百花齊放的課程模式;在課程目標(biāo)上,從以社會(huì)為本位到以兒童為本位;在課程內(nèi)容選擇上,從以知識(shí)為中心到以兒童的經(jīng)驗(yàn)為中心;在課程組織實(shí)施上,從單一地集中授課到以游戲?yàn)榛净顒?dòng),創(chuàng)造性地采用多種手段促進(jìn)兒童發(fā)展;在課程評(píng)價(jià)上,從測(cè)量?jī)和膶W(xué)習(xí)成效,對(duì)教師進(jìn)行教學(xué)檢查,到評(píng)估課程的價(jià)值,為課程研究及幼兒園課程改進(jìn)提供依據(jù)。70年的幼兒園課程史賦予我們的啟示是:幼兒園課程建設(shè)應(yīng)立根于中國優(yōu)秀文化傳統(tǒng);應(yīng)擁有國際視野,同時(shí)高度重視本土化建設(shè)工作;應(yīng)牢固樹立"以兒童為中心"的觀念。
Since the founding of the People's Republic of China,great changes have taken place in Chinese kindergarten curriculum,in terms of curriculum model,from the unified implementation of separate courses throughout the country to the formation of a variety of curriculum models;in terms of curriculum objectives,from society-oriented to child-oriented;in terms of curriculum content selection,from knowledge-centered to experience-centered;in terms of curriculum organization and implementation,from single centralized teaching to play-based activities,with various means creatively adopted to promote children's development;in curriculum evaluation,from measuring children's learning effectiveness and checking on teachers' teaching,to evaluating the value of curriculum,so as to provide a basis for curriculum research and improvement.The inspirations of 70 years' kindergarten curriculum history are that kindergarten curriculum construction should be rooted in China's excellent cultural tradition,pay attention to globalization and localization,and firmly establish the concept of "childcenteredness".

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