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課程.教材.教法 頁數(shù): 6 2019-04-01
摘要: 培養(yǎng)造就數(shù)以十萬計的卓越教師,是新時代教師隊伍建設的主要目標。在學前教育深化改革、規(guī)范發(fā)展的大背景下,作為培養(yǎng)新時代卓越幼兒教師的搖籃,高師院校肩負著創(chuàng)新幼兒教師職前培養(yǎng)模式的職責與使命。根據《教師教育課程標準》《幼兒園教師專業(yè)標準》相關要求,從立德樹人、專業(yè)發(fā)展、融合培養(yǎng)、全程實踐、協(xié)同育人五個方面,闡釋新時代卓越幼兒教師職前培養(yǎng)的著力點,有助于培養(yǎng)更多合格的、適應兒童發(fā)展需求的卓越幼兒教師。
Cultivating hundreds of thousands of excellent teachers is the main target for teaching staff construction in the new rea.Under the great background of carrying out and realizing the deepening reform and standardizing development of preschool education,normal universities, as cradles of kindergarteners' cultivation,undertake the duties and missions of bringing up excellent kindergarteners for the new rea.In accordance with related requirements of Teacher Education Curriculum Standards and Professional Standards of Kindergarteners,the author interprets the key points of kindergarteners' cultivation in the new era from the five aspects,which are moral-value establishment and people cultivation,development of the profession,cultivation and integration,whole-course practice,and collaborative education.In this way,we can cultivate more and more qualified kindergarteners and meet the needs of children's development.

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