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沈陽體育學(xué)院學(xué)報 頁數(shù): 8 2019-10-08 10:17
摘要: 目的:設(shè)計出一套科學(xué)、合理且具有普適性的《學(xué)齡前兒童體育活動強度他評量表》,以期能夠有效幫助教師和家長掌握幼兒體育活動強度,合理安排體育活動課程。方法:先后選取北京某一級一類幼兒園大班幼兒158人和27人進行量表的檢驗。為幼兒佩戴Polar Team 2團隊心率表與RT3三軸加速度計,進行室內(nèi)、外活動的跟蹤測試;與此同時教師和研究人員使用《學(xué)齡前兒童體育活動強度他評量表》做出選擇,并填寫《量表》(文字版)。使用spss13.0對數(shù)據(jù)進行統(tǒng)計分析,檢驗量表的信度、效度,以及等級設(shè)置合理性。結(jié)果:經(jīng)過文字圖形轉(zhuǎn)化、校標(biāo)效度檢驗(平均心率:r=0.468,P<0.01;Counts,r=0.472,P<0.01),以及教師意見反饋《量表》二稿納入外觀表現(xiàn)維度中呼吸、出汗和臉色3項,共分為6個強度等級。經(jīng)檢驗,《量表》二稿評分者間相關(guān)系數(shù)為0.626(P<0.05),信度良好;評價結(jié)果與心率間的Spearman相關(guān)系數(shù)為0.593(P<0.01),并在不同心率等級分組之間存在顯著性差異(P<0.05),具有較好的校標(biāo)效度和區(qū)分效度,將其確定為終稿。大體劃分等級1~2、3~4和5~6,分別對應(yīng)體育活動中的較低、中等和較大強度。結(jié)論:本研究研制的《學(xué)齡前兒童體育活動強度他評量表》是一個包含6個選項的以圖畫為主要表現(xiàn)形式的教師他評量表。《量表》對不同幼兒的體育活動強度具有較好的區(qū)分度,可使教師能夠隨時了解幼兒體育活動強度,幫助教師更合理地為幼兒安排體育活動課程。
Objective:To develop a scientific,reliable and universal Evaluation Scale of Physical Activity Intensity for Preschool Children,help teachers and parents understand physical activity intensity among young children and arrange physical activity courses reasonably.Methods:158 and 27 children from one kindergarten in Beijing were assessed to test the evaluation scale.During indoor and outdoor physical activity,children wear Polar Team 2 heart rate monitor and RT3 three axis accelerometer,while teachers and researchers use The Evaluation Scale of Physical Activity Intensity for Preschool Children and fill in the text version of the scale.SPSS 13.0 was used for statistical analysis to test the reliability,validity and rationality of the scale.Results:After text and graphics conversion,calibration validity test(average heart rate:r=0.468,P<0.01;Counts,r=0.472,P<0.01) and teacher feedback,breathing,sweating and facial color were added into the second draft of the scale which were divided into six intensity levels.The correlation coefficient between raters of the second draft of the scale was 0.626(P<0.05),showing good reliability.The Spearman correlation coefficient between the evaluation results and heart rate was 0.593(P<0.01),and there were significant differences among different heart rate grades(P<0.05).With good calibration validity and discrimination validity,the second draft of the scale was identified as the final draft.Generally classified grades 1~2,3~4 and 5~6 correspond to the lower,medium and greater intensity of sports activities respectively.Conclusion:The Evaluation Scale of Physical Activity Intensity for Preschool Children is a teacher-evaluation scale with 6 levels and in the form of pictures.The scale has a good distinction between different intensity levels.It enables teachers to keep abreast of the intensity of physical activities of children at any time,and helps teachers arrange physical activities courses for children more reasonably.

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