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現代教育管理 頁數: 7 2019-10-15
摘要: 學前教育空間均衡發(fā)展關乎個體公平發(fā)展、區(qū)域協(xié)調發(fā)展和社會可持續(xù)發(fā)展,日益受到關注。基于2005-2016年主要年份省級數據的研究發(fā)現,2010年兩期"學前教育三年行動計劃"實施以來,學前教育發(fā)展速度加快,各類教育資源的省際均衡度普遍得到改善,政策補償性功能彰顯。但中國學前教育仍為低位均衡,大部分省份存在不同程度的教育資源匱乏,且城鄉(xiāng)差距較大。未來應動態(tài)調整財政經費的空間配置,繼續(xù)向落后地區(qū)和鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)地區(qū)傾斜,并對經費使用情況實施監(jiān)管;為提高經費使用效率,各省要優(yōu)先發(fā)展本省最薄弱的環(huán)節(jié),在補充各類教育資源時要尊重其發(fā)展特征。
The spatial balanced development of preschool education is significant to equitable personal growth,balanced regional development, and sustainable social development. It has been paid more and more attention.Based on the provincial data from 2005 to 2016, the paper studies changes Chinese preschool education's spatial balance degree, and evaluates the impact of the 1 st and 2 nd phases Three-Year Action Plans for Preschool Education. It's found that the development of preschool education has sped up remarkably since 2010, and most kinds of preschool education resources' inter-provincial gaps has been closing, which indicates that the preschool education compensatory development policies worked. However, China's preschool education resources are at a lowlevel regional balance. Most provinces are facing different levels of scarcity of education resources,and there is a biggish gap between urban and rural areas. Here are some suggestions to further promote the balanced regional development of preschool education. First, the central government and the local governments should adjust the regional allocation of the expenditure, give priority to poor and rural areas, and supervise over the use of funds.Second, the local governments should improve the expenditure efficiency and supplement the scarcest resource firstly. Finally but not the last, suitable measures should be adopted to supplement various resources according to their different characters of the education resources in order to obtain excellent results.

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