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教育學(xué)報 頁數(shù): 9 2019-10-25
摘要: 弗萊雷被認(rèn)為是20世紀(jì)中葉以來最重要的教育家之一,其自由教育思想影響著全球教育。人性問題一直是弗萊雷關(guān)注的焦點(diǎn),他將重重教育困境歸因于人性假設(shè),揭示出自由教育面臨困境根源于人們對人性的不完美性和歷史性的曲解。弗萊雷的教育思想直面教育現(xiàn)實(shí),對限制兒童自由的現(xiàn)實(shí)進(jìn)行批判,指出自由教育面臨著兒童被視為絕對無知者、教學(xué)過程成為忍耐的過程和兒童對自由恐懼的有限境況。弗萊雷希望將兒童視為知識的永久再創(chuàng)造者、教學(xué)過程轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)閯?chuàng)造的過程和養(yǎng)成兒童的批判意識,以此沖破有限境況的控制,解放兒童和人性,重獲自由教育。
Freire is considered to be the most important educator since the mid-20 th century. His ideas on pedagogy for freedom have influenced global education. Freire always focuses on the matter of human nature. Freire attributes the dilemma of education to the hypothesis of human nature, revealing that the dilemma of pedagogy for freedom is rooted in the misunderstanding of human nature. Freire's education thoughts faces the education reality. He criticizes the reality of restricting children's freedom, pointing out that pedagogy for freedom faces three kinds of limit-situations: children are regarded as absolutely ignorant; teaching becomes a process of endurance; and children fear freedom. Freire hopes that children can be regarded as permanent re-creators of knowledge, the process of teaching can be transformed into the process of creation and the formation of critical thinking of children. Children can break through the control of limit-situations, liberate human nature, and regain pedagogy for freedom through these ways.

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