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學(xué)前教育研究 頁(yè)數(shù): 8 2019-10-01
摘要: 增加社會(huì)流動(dòng)性是消除貧困的重要方式,在兒童階段即對(duì)貧困人群進(jìn)行干預(yù)尤其必要。政府可通過家庭養(yǎng)育和早期教育的政策干預(yù)來提升社會(huì)流動(dòng)性,從而達(dá)到扶貧目的。本研究分析了英國(guó)"社會(huì)流動(dòng)委員會(huì)"2017年報(bào)告中最新提出的"社會(huì)流動(dòng)的童年起源"理論模型,描述了英國(guó)通過調(diào)查等手段建立貧困兒童發(fā)展?fàn)顩r監(jiān)測(cè)的做法,探討了英國(guó)1997~2017年實(shí)施的兒童期教育干預(yù)政策及政府未來規(guī)劃,發(fā)現(xiàn)英國(guó)政府向來重視對(duì)貧困兒童的家庭養(yǎng)育和早期教育投資,為貧困家庭提供減免費(fèi)用的兒童照料和兒童養(yǎng)育項(xiàng)目,重視貧困地區(qū)"幼小銜接"的課程質(zhì)量,高度關(guān)注貧困兒童的語(yǔ)言發(fā)展。借鑒英國(guó)政府在早期教育監(jiān)測(cè)與干預(yù)方面的經(jīng)驗(yàn)教訓(xùn),我國(guó)政府應(yīng)加大對(duì)早期教育的投入,開展家庭養(yǎng)育行為和兒童行為測(cè)量試點(diǎn),建立兒童成長(zhǎng)大數(shù)據(jù),加強(qiáng)對(duì)家庭養(yǎng)育與家庭教育的干預(yù)力度,繼續(xù)注重對(duì)貧困兒童的營(yíng)養(yǎng)干預(yù)。
Intervening among the poor in the early stage of education is of great importance for increasing social mobility,which is an important way to alleviate poverty. The government could promote social mobility through intervention policy in parenting and early education so as to achieve the goal of poverty alleviation. This paper analyzes the latest "childhood origins of social mobility"model from the 2017 social mobility Commission report,describes the practice of nationwide monitoring of development for poor children by means of investigation,and discusses the implementation of the early education intervention policy for poor children from 1997 to 2017 and the future action plan for the British government.The British government put emphasis on investment in parenting and early education for poor children such as reducing the cost of child care and child education for poor families,emphasizing the quality of courses in the reception year in the poor areas,paying attention to the language development of disadvantaged children and so on. The experiences and lessons in early education intervention in the UK have enlightening significance to improve the work of poverty alleviation through education in China.

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