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學(xué)前教育研究 頁數(shù): 4 2019-10-01
摘要: 地方文化是重要的幼兒園課程資源,地方文化與幼兒園課程的整合可以拓展幼兒的生活經(jīng)驗,提升幼兒的生命體驗,同時有助于培養(yǎng)具有本土意識的個體,促進本土社會的內(nèi)在發(fā)展。地方文化與幼兒園課程的整合應(yīng)以幼兒的學(xué)習(xí)特點為依據(jù),充分考慮地方文化對幼兒學(xué)習(xí)與成長的適宜性。幼兒園可以通過建立基于地方文化的課程資源庫來豐富幼兒園的課程體系,通過對地方文化課程資源的再創(chuàng)與開發(fā)來拓展地方文化的教育功能和時空范疇,同時要注重幼兒園、家庭與社區(qū)的三方協(xié)同。
The local culture is an important kindergarten curriculum resource,it provides a broader environment for children's learning and growth,and can effectively promote the development of children's subjectivity and humanity. The integration of local culture and kindergarten curriculum can expand children's life experience and enhance their life experience,and contribute to the cultivation of specific local awareness of the individual and the internal development of local society. The integration also should be based on the learning characteristics of children and fully consider the suitability of local culture for children 's learning and growth. The kindergartens can enrich the curriculum system of kindergartens by establishing a kindergarten curriculum database based on local culture,expand the educational functions and space and time categories of local culture by re-creating and developing local culture,and pay attention to the tripartite coordination between kindergartens,families and communities.

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