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學(xué)前教育研究 頁(yè)數(shù): 8 2019-10-01
摘要: 20世紀(jì)初,蒙臺(tái)梭利的教育思想與實(shí)踐在美國(guó)出現(xiàn)了短暫而集中的傳播,這一過(guò)程始終伴隨著美國(guó)教育學(xué)界對(duì)蒙氏教育的質(zhì)疑與批判,目前國(guó)內(nèi)外對(duì)這些質(zhì)疑與批判的深入分析還不多見。當(dāng)時(shí)在美國(guó)教育學(xué)界占主流的教育心理學(xué)者、進(jìn)步主義教育學(xué)者和福祿貝爾主義者大多對(duì)蒙臺(tái)梭利教育持批判態(tài)度,他們從哲學(xué)與心理學(xué)基礎(chǔ)、課程體系兩個(gè)層面批判蒙臺(tái)梭利教育,認(rèn)為其理論落后于時(shí)代,其課程體系忽視了幼兒的社會(huì)性發(fā)展和想象力,限制了幼兒的自由。這些批判反映了美國(guó)教育學(xué)界對(duì)外來(lái)理論不盲從的謹(jǐn)慎態(tài)度,并促進(jìn)了蒙臺(tái)梭利教育的美國(guó)化。當(dāng)前我國(guó)教育學(xué)界在引入西方教育理論時(shí)熱衷于闡釋、驗(yàn)證,幾乎沒(méi)有批判、質(zhì)疑的聲音,這種狀況不利于原創(chuàng)性教育理論的提出。為改變這種狀況,我國(guó)教育學(xué)者首先應(yīng)樹立文化自信,以平等的心態(tài)和視角看待西方教育理論,其次應(yīng)在反思性批判的基礎(chǔ)上對(duì)外來(lái)教育理論辯證吸收、大膽揚(yáng)棄,最后應(yīng)扎根中國(guó)的教育實(shí)踐,才能更好地吸收西方教育理論的精華,促進(jìn)原創(chuàng)性教育理論的產(chǎn)生。
At the beginning of the 20 th century,Montessori's educational thought and practice disseminated to the United States in a short and concentrated way. This process was always accompanied by the questioning and criticism of Montessori education in the American educational circles. The in-depth analysis and inspiration of the questioning and criticisms are currently lacking in domestic and foreign research.Most of the educational psychologists,progressive education scholars,and Froebelians who dominated the American educational community were critical to Montessori education. American education scholars criticized Montessori education from two levels: fundamentals of philosophy and psychology, curriculum system.They believed that Montessori education 's theory lagged behind the times,and the curriculum system ignored young children's sociality,imagination and freedom. These criticisms reflected the cautious attitude of the American educational scholars who didn't blindly follow the imported theory,and promoted the Americanization of Montessori education. At present,China's educational academics are keen to interpret and verify when introducing western educational theories. This situation is not conducive to the creation of original educational theories. In order to change this situation,the Chinese educational scholars should first establish cultural self-confidence,treating western educational theories with an equal mindset and perspective;second discriminate and absorb the foreign educational theories on the basis of reflective criticism;third root in China's educational practice. In this way can the scholars better absorb western educational theories' essence and promote the creation of original educational theories.

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