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教育學(xué)報(bào) 頁數(shù): 8 2019-10-25
摘要: 幼兒L對(duì)死亡產(chǎn)生困惑:"我們會(huì)不會(huì)死?死了會(huì)怎么樣?(人)可不可以不死?"為深入理解L死亡困惑背后的相應(yīng)體驗(yàn),引入李旭幼時(shí)對(duì)死亡的體驗(yàn)以理解L對(duì)死亡的體驗(yàn)。發(fā)現(xiàn)L對(duì)死亡的困惑源于其面對(duì)"失去""不存在""不確定"等死亡意義體驗(yàn)所帶來的恐慌,成人對(duì)死亡理性、科學(xué)的解答并不能消除幼兒的死亡困惑和恐慌。從影片《尋夢(mèng)環(huán)游記》中,可以獲得重構(gòu)死亡意義的啟示:要消除兒童對(duì)死亡的困惑和恐懼,需提供給兒童一個(gè)"存魅"的、溫情的亡靈世界。為確保兒童"得到"這個(gè)世界,首先成人心中就應(yīng)存有這個(gè)世界,并在生活中讓兒童可以觸摸到這個(gè)世界,一起作為兒童重構(gòu)死亡意義的"發(fā)生境域",將其中包含的銘記、愛傳遞給兒童,回饋給成人,消除成人與兒童對(duì)死亡的困惑和恐懼。
The study originates from a child's confusion about death. The child whose name is L asked the following qustions: Will we die or not? What will happen when we die? Can we not die? It reviews the experience of death education for L by using the picture book "The Fall of Freddie the Leaf ". To further understand the corresponding experience behind L's death confusion, the study introduces the author's experience of death in childhood to understand L's experience of death. The study finds that L's confusion about death originates from his panic caused by his experience of "loss", "nonexistence" and "uncertainty" of the meaning of death, and adult's rational and scientific answers to death cannot eliminate the confusion and panic of children. Implications can be drawn from the film "Coco" to reconstruct the meaning of death. To eliminate children's confusion and fear of death, it is necessary to provide children with a "mysterious" and tender world of the dead. In order to ensure that children "get" the world, first of all, adults should have the world in their hearts, and let children "touch" the world in their lives. This is the "occurrence circumstance" for children reconstructing the meaning of death, and transmitting the memory and love contained in it to children, giving back to adults, eliminating children's confusion and fear of death.

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