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學(xué)前教育研究 頁數(shù): 14 2019-10-01
摘要: 當下我國學(xué)前兒童戲劇教育作為一個新興領(lǐng)域漸成學(xué)界熱點,面對主流實踐中"兒童劇演出"和"表演區(qū)游戲"存在的諸多問題,學(xué)前兒童戲劇教育的理論探索尤顯必要和迫切。學(xué)前兒童戲劇經(jīng)驗建構(gòu)的特殊性和我國幼兒園教育場域的特殊性都要求我們必須超越西方教育戲劇和創(chuàng)造性戲劇兩大范式,提出生長戲劇的概念。學(xué)前兒童戲劇教育應(yīng)遵從學(xué)前兒童戲劇經(jīng)驗建構(gòu)的規(guī)律,在真實情境與虛構(gòu)情境的不斷轉(zhuǎn)換中,促發(fā)"角色—情節(jié)—對話"的螺旋上升式生長形態(tài),在生長環(huán)境劇場中豐富和完善兒童自己的戲劇作品。兒童戲劇經(jīng)驗生長的外部條件依存于情境,而情境則可具體外化為環(huán)境劇場富有生機的建構(gòu);兒童戲劇經(jīng)驗生長的內(nèi)部條件則是教師引導(dǎo)兒童對戲劇話題進行不斷的探索,實現(xiàn)教師和兒童多元身份的不斷轉(zhuǎn)換。只有這樣才能改變當前劇本先行、教師中心和鏡框式舞臺的弊端,邁向角色先行、兒童中心、關(guān)注環(huán)境劇場的生長戲劇。
As a new field,drama education for preschool children in China is becoming a hot topic in the academic circles. In the face of many problems existing in the mainstream practice of"theatrical performances by children"and "dramatic play"in China,it is necessary and urgent to explore and lead the theory of preschool children's drama education,and take the practice seriously. The research proposes the paradigm of Growing Drama,giving the insight into the particularity of two levels,including preschool children's drama experience construction and kindergarten education in China,inheriting and surpassing the two main paradigms of Drama in Educational and Creative Drama in the west. The proposition of Growing Drama means that preschool children's drama education should follow the rule of preschool children's drama experience construction,promoting the organic growth of "role-plot-discourse"in the continuous transformation between the real situation and the fictional situation,and making drama by children themselves in the construction of growing environmental theatre. There are two conditions of children 's drama experience in growing. The external condition depends on situations,which is externalized as a vigorous construction of environmental theatre;the internal conditions are that teachers guide preschool children to explore theatrical topics,and the continuous change on multiple identities of teachers and preschool children.Thus,it is from script-first,teacher-centered and stage-framed to role-first,children-centered,and environmental theatre that points out the direction and path for the theory and practice of drama education for preschool children in China,and construct and contribute a new paradigm for preschool children's drama education in the world.

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