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學(xué)前教育研究 頁(yè)數(shù): 24 2019-10-01
摘要: 干預(yù)策略嵌入自然環(huán)境式早期干預(yù)服務(wù)模式由理解家庭生態(tài)環(huán)境、制定功能性干預(yù)計(jì)劃、提供一體化服務(wù)、進(jìn)行有效家訪、開展協(xié)作式教室輔導(dǎo)等五個(gè)實(shí)踐要素構(gòu)成,包括繪制家庭生態(tài)地圖、進(jìn)行常規(guī)活動(dòng)本位訪談、采用首要服務(wù)提供者服務(wù)方法、提供支持本位家訪服務(wù)、采取指導(dǎo)策略進(jìn)行嵌入教室常規(guī)式一體化干預(yù)和特殊教學(xué)輔導(dǎo)服務(wù)等五種具體實(shí)踐。它規(guī)定了收集家庭和兒童信息——確定兒童及其家人的功能性結(jié)果(即參與本位目標(biāo))——選擇服務(wù)方式——去家庭和教室服務(wù)的實(shí)踐流程,以提升家長(zhǎng)和教師實(shí)施嵌入式一體化干預(yù)的勝任力與自信心為中介,實(shí)現(xiàn)了早期干預(yù)服務(wù)專業(yè)人員、常規(guī)照料者與兒童的協(xié)同努力,從而保證了每種具體實(shí)踐的高質(zhì)量完成。通過必要的培訓(xùn)、輔導(dǎo)和督導(dǎo)提升早期干預(yù)服務(wù)專業(yè)人員的家庭支持能力和教室輔導(dǎo)能力,是該模式有效實(shí)施的前提。增進(jìn)兒童參與常規(guī)、獨(dú)立完成常規(guī)、在常規(guī)中發(fā)展社會(huì)關(guān)系的能力,提高家長(zhǎng)的常規(guī)滿意度和兒童的教室常規(guī)契合度,是通過該模式最終提高兒童和家庭生活質(zhì)量的關(guān)鍵。
Based on the rationale and practice of routine-based early intervention, McWilliam proposed a model of early intervention in natural environments, which were composed of such components as understanding family ecology, functional intervention planning, integrated services, effective home visits,and collaborative consultation to child care. At the same time, this model suggested corresponding five specific intervention practices accordantly. They were drawing family ecomap, implementing routine-based interview which assessing both targeted child 's and family's functional participant-based outcomes and family's satisfaction with their daily routines under family settings or instead the fit of goodness of the targeted child 's functioning and the demands of the routines under community settings to develop their individualized family( classroom) service planning, family consultation and support-based family visits approach including providing emotional and material and informational supports, and integrated therapy and coaching community visits approach. In order to implement the EINE model, related professionals should receive training, coaching and supervising to achieve both the targeted child 's developmental gains in his functional participation and independence and social relationship in routines, and the improvement in his family's quality of life. Both the integrated preschool placement and the family visit approach of sending coaching strategies into family should be best settings of using this EINEI model in Chinese early intervention field.

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