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中國學校衛(wèi)生 頁數(shù): 3 2019-10-16 09:35
摘要: 目的探討運動性游戲課程對3~5歲學齡前兒童生長發(fā)育的影響,為學齡前兒童的運動教育及干預(yù)提供參考依據(jù)。方法采用整群方便抽樣法抽取常州某幼兒園大、中、小班各2個班級,共176名3~5歲學齡前兒童,以班級為單位隨機分為觀察組(85名)和對照組(91名)。對照組采取常規(guī)教學模式不予特殊干預(yù),觀察組開展運動性游戲課程,干預(yù)時間為1年。測定和比較兩組兒童的身體形態(tài)、身體素質(zhì)測試指標。結(jié)果干預(yù)后,在身體形態(tài)指標方面,觀察組身高增加值為(6.57±0.41)cm,高于對照組的(5.77±0.36)cm(t=13.78,P<0.01);觀察組體重增長值(2.53±0.35)kg與對照組(2.61±0.43)kg比較,差異無統(tǒng)計學意義(t=1.35,P>0.05)。干預(yù)后,在身體素質(zhì)測試指標方面,觀察組兒童的立定跳遠、雙腳連續(xù)跳、坐位體前屈、網(wǎng)球投擲、單足平衡、10 m折返跑測試結(jié)果分別為(95.93±4.02)cm,(6.72±0.35)s,(11.65±1.33)cm,(6.21±1.50)m,(45.26±8.74)s,(6.91±0.13)s,優(yōu)于對照組的(82.71±3.59)cm,(7.52±0.41)s,(10.06±1.32)cm,(5.34±1.21)m,(36.14±6.72)s,(7.36±0.17)s,差異有統(tǒng)計學意義(t值分別為23.04,13.88,7.96,4.25,7.79,19.63,P值均<0.05)。結(jié)論運動性游戲課程對3~5歲學齡前兒童的體重無明顯影響,但可促進身高發(fā)育并有助于改善身體素質(zhì)。
Objective To investigate the impacts of sports game curriculum on the physical development of preschool children aged 3 to 5 years, so as to provide a reference for sports education and intervention among preschool children. Methods Totally 176 preschool children aged 3 to 5 years in the large, medium and small class of a kindergarten in Changzhou were selected by means of cluster random sampling, and they were randomly divided into observation group(n=85) and control group(n=91). The control group did not receive special intervention, while the observation group received sports game curriculum, the intervention time was 1 year. The body shape and physical fitness indicators were tested and compared before and after intervention. Results In terms of body shape, the increase in height of the observation group was(6.57±0.41)cm, which was significantly higher than(5.77±0.36)cm of the control group(t=13.78, P<0.01); There was no significant difference in weight gain between the observation group and the control group(2.53±0.35)kg vs(2.61±0.43)kg(t=1.35, P>0.05). The physical fitness indicators, including standing long jump, continuous jumping of the feet, sit-and-reach, tennis throwing, single foot balance and 10 m×2 shuttle run effects were(95.93±4.02)cm,(6.72±0.35)s,(11.65±1.33)cm,(6.21±1.50)m,(45.26±8.74)s,(6.91±0.13)s in the observation group, significantly better than(82.71±3.59)cm,(7.52±0.41)s,(10.06±1.32)cm,(5.34±1.21)m,(36.14±6.72)s,(7.36±0.17)s in the control group(t=23.04, 13.88, 7.96, 4.25, 7.79, 19.63, P<0.05). Conclusion The sports game curriculum has no significant effect on the weight of preschool children aged 3 to 5, but it can promote the height growth of children and helps to improve physical fitness.

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