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教育發(fā)展研究 頁數(shù): 7 2019-08-25
摘要: 在過去的十多年間,傾聽教育的理念雖早已在教育界深入人心,卻在現(xiàn)實(shí)的實(shí)施中處處碰壁。兒童哲學(xué)與傾聽教育在理念上有著天然的相契之處,它通過將教室轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)樘骄繄F(tuán)體來幫助老師與學(xué)生共同收獲"思考的耳朵"。通過分析兒童哲學(xué)中"傾聽"的內(nèi)涵與意義,在如何貫徹傾聽教育的問題上將獲得新的啟發(fā),以此推動教育活動中"傾聽關(guān)系"的重建。
In the past nearly ten years,although listening education has been deeply rooted in the educational world,it has been impeded in reality.Philosophy for Children and listening education are out of the same idea.By analyzing the connotation and significance of "listening"in Philosophy for Children,we will open up and reconstruct the broken "listening relationship"and help teachers and students to develop "an ear for thinking"in the community of inquiry.Thus,we will get new inspirations on how to implement listening education in our daily teaching.

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