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教育發(fā)展研究 頁數(shù): 10 2019-08-25
摘要: 兒童哲學(xué)研究在中國已經(jīng)走過了三十多年的歷程,全面回顧和總結(jié)這段歷程對(duì)于進(jìn)一步構(gòu)建具有中國特色和風(fēng)格的兒童哲學(xué)模式以及在國際上開展更有建設(shè)性的對(duì)話等具有重要意義??偟膩碚f,兒童哲學(xué)的研究經(jīng)歷了從基本介紹和理論鋪墊、初步嘗試和短暫高潮、緩慢發(fā)展和穩(wěn)步提升到快速增長(zhǎng)和多元發(fā)展四個(gè)基本階段,并且在原理、課程、兒童、學(xué)校及教師、國際比較等領(lǐng)域取得了重大成就。未來的兒童哲學(xué)研究須加強(qiáng)本土化的實(shí)踐探索、實(shí)現(xiàn)向童年哲學(xué)的轉(zhuǎn)向,并與兒童研究領(lǐng)域的多個(gè)方向建立起緊密的聯(lián)系,才能確保在國際舞臺(tái)上發(fā)表中國的更強(qiáng)音。
Since late 1980 s,the Philosophy for Children(P4 C) has been developed in China for more than thirty years.A comprehensive analysis and summary of such developmental process is of critical significance to the construction of a China-based P4 C model and the equal dialogue between scholars in China and those from the West.Generally speaking,the P4 C in China has been growing from the stage of basic introduction to the initial experiment stage,and then from the slowly increasing stage to the stage of rapid and diverse development.Chinese scholars have made great academic contributions on the issues of curriculum,children,school and teacher with comparative studies on the P4 C.In the near future,our studies on the P4 C should focus more on the localization of practical exploration,the transformation to the philosophy of childhood,and the close link with the broad child studies,so that a stronger voice of Chinese scholarship can be demonstrated in the international stage.

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