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華中師范大學(xué)學(xué)報(人文社會科學(xué)版) 頁數(shù): 13 2019-09-27
摘要: 新中國成立70年來,我國學(xué)前教育供給模式歷經(jīng)三次演變,即從單位福利為主的供給模式轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)槭袌鲋鲗?dǎo)的多元供給模式,而后發(fā)展為政府主導(dǎo)的多元供給模式。我國當(dāng)代學(xué)前教育供給模式的特點逐步凸顯價值理性日益彰顯;多元主體協(xié)同辦學(xué);供給機制逐步完善;供給總量擴大,普惠園不斷發(fā)展;供給結(jié)構(gòu)優(yōu)化;惠及對象更加廣泛;供給形式向就近便捷和綜合化方向發(fā)展等。展望未來,應(yīng)從幾個方面改革和完善:堅守兩種理性融通的學(xué)前教育供給理念;理順學(xué)前教育供給主體間關(guān)系;加強對學(xué)前教育供給對象的弱勢補償;多措并舉,豐富學(xué)前教育供給形式;完善治理,提升學(xué)前教育供給質(zhì)量,滿足人民群眾對學(xué)前教育的美好期盼。
The supply model of preschool education in China has undergone three evolutions from 1949 to 2019, from a unit-welfare-based supply model to a market-led diversified one and then to a government-led diversified one. China's contemporary preschool education has distinctive features: the value rationality is increasingly evident; the multiple subjects co-operate in running education; the supply mechanism is gradually improved; the total supply is expanding, and the inclusive beneficial kindergarten is constantly developing; the supply structure tends to be optimized; the scope of supply is broader; the supply form is more convenient and integrated. Looking forward to the future, we should adhere to the rational integration of the two supply concepts of preschool education, straighten out the relationship among the preschool education supply subjects, strengthen the compensation for the disadvantaged groups in preschool education, enrich the supply forms of preschool education. We are also supposed to improve governance and enhance the quality of preschool education supply to meet the people's good expectations of it.

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