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河北師范大學學報(教育科學版) 頁數(shù): 4 2019-09-15
摘要: 經(jīng)濟學范式下的學前教育質量觀具有明顯的工具主義和功利主義性質,從學前教育的本質來說,這是一種違反了學前教育規(guī)律和違背幼兒自身發(fā)展規(guī)律的教育視域。而人學范式下的學前教育是一種回歸幼兒世界,以幼兒自身為邏輯起點的教育話語體系。因此,面向2035年的我國學前教育質量觀應該從經(jīng)濟學范式向人學范式轉變,超越工具主義和世俗的功利主義。具體來講有以下三點:首先,回歸幼兒世界,建構"有人"的學前教育話語體系;其次,結果與過程相結合,走向多元系統(tǒng)的學前教育質量評價觀;最后,摒棄"標準"思維,邁向一種"追求卓越"的學前教育質量觀。
The quality view of preschool education under the economic paradigm has an obvious instrumentalism and utilitarian nature, which violates the law of preschool education and the law of the development of young children themselves. Preschool education under the human learning paradigm is a discourse system that returns to the world of young children and takes the young children themselves as the logical starting point. Therefore, the quality view of preschool education in China for 2035 should change from the paradigm of economics to the paradigm of humanism, breaking away from instrumentalism and secular utilitarianism. Specifically, there are three points: First, return to the children's world, construct a preschool education discourse system of "human participation"; secondly, combine results with the process, move toward a multi-system preschool education quality evaluation concept; finally, abandon the "standard" thinking, move towards a quality concept of preschool education that pursues excellence.

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